What Else ?

COVEN is a four-year European project that was launched with the objective of comprehensively exploring the issues in the design, implementation and usage of multi-participant shared virtual environments, at scientific, methodological and technical levels.

Avocado - developed at GMD, Avocado builds a field network abstraction over the Performer scene graph. Distribution is achieved primarily through the use of networked routes between fields. This is a very simplistic model for distribution, but one that works well for small applications. Avocado is built on the Ensemble toolkit from Cornell

WorldToolkit by Sens8 "WorldToolkit is the leading cross-platform real-time 3D development tool." (World2World, the Client-Server... WorldUp)


Virtools worldtoolkit

Tiwi : only for the Wedge...

3D WORKING GROUP : Parallel Graphics

The absence of a flexible, standard 3-D format represents one of those key barriers. By working with industry leaders and graphics experts, we plan to create a format that will do for 3-D on the Web what the JPEG format did for digital photography on the desktop." >Parallel Graphics

ParallelGraphics a rejoint le 3D Working Group dont nous vous parlions il y a quelques jours. Ce groupement d'éditeurs devrait produire un standard web 3D pour le monde de la CAO. Voici une partie des menbres : Intel Corporation, 3Dlabs Inc., Actify Inc., Adobe Systems, ATI Technologies, The Boeing Company, Dassault Systemes, Lattice Technology, Mental Images, Microsoft Corporation, Naval Postgraduate School, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), SGDL Systems, Inc., i3Dimensions, Tech Soft America/OpenHSF. Patrick Gelsinger (Intel vice president and chief technology officer) à déclaré à propos de cette alliance :"The absence of a flexible, standard 3-D format represents one of those key barriers. By working with industry leaders and graphics experts, we plan to create a format that will do for 3-D on the Web what the JPEG format did for digital photography on the desktop."