COMP1710 : Laboratory 2
A small Web Site
1. Objectives
In this lab, you will create a set of web pages with different features
in them. These will be linked together in such a way that from the user view
point there will be a home page and a set of pages that one should be able
to access one after the other.
2. Tasks
2.0 Task 0
Access to
And or any of the proposed in
Check that you know everything about HTML :-)
Create a subdirectory LAB2_Uxxxxxxx
- in that directory you will create two subdirectories : story1 and story
- in LAB2_Uxxxxxxx, you will put the html files index.html and demo.html
- in LAB2_Uxxxxxxx/story1, you will put files text1.html and text2.html
- in LAB2_Uxxxxxxx/story2, you will put files text1.html and text2.html
Remember to always give a title to any web page you are writing (element "title",
within the "head" element)
2.1 Task1 : Creation of a web page
Use your favourite text editor. Create a new file in which you will copy the
template proposed in the lecture.
Save that file in the LAB2_Uxxxxxxx directory, with the name demo.html.
Using the following tags Hn, P, UL, LI, FONT, OL, DL, DT, DD, HR, PRE, BR,
A, and various attributes (bgcolor for the tag BODY etc) you will create
a page that looks like the following model. Note that there are 3
links in that
page. One is towards your lab home page that will be created in the next
task. One is towards the last part of the page (If you want to see the
you may have to make sure to add enough content to the page to make it long
enough, for instance in the definitions part)

2.2 Task2 : Creation of a web site
You will create at least 5 other HTML pages as stated in Task 0. These pages
will have a default background, a title in the heading and a least a title in the
body and some text. Please use your imagination
All the pages in the lab work should have at the bottom your first name, surname,
a mail link to your ANU email and a link to the Home page (index.html).
All links should be relative links.
In addition to those common links, the Home page should provide a link to every
pages in your work.
Every 'text' html page should point to the following one. Note that story1/text1.html
should point towards a paragraph at the end of story2/text1.html.
The overall hierarchy produced is presented below :

2B Tasks for experienced web heads
If you have created web sites before, please discuss with your tutor
what you will do for this lab to get your 3 marks, so you can also
learn something.
3. Conclusion
After this lab, your are now able to produce a basic web site !
4. Extra work
You may try to includes images (tag IMG) in your work, but be careful of the
size of the images : the complete site should not be more than 200 kB
(you can do a Get Info on the folder to find out the overall size)
5. Summary to get 3 marks for this lab session
- Create a directory which name is LABn_Uxxxxxxx where n is the number of
the Lab and xxxxxxx is your student id.
- Within that directory, put the deliverables described for this lab (see
- Zip that directory and its contents. ( If everything is working well, the
name of the zip file should be where xxxxxxx is ... )
Remember that because of a bug with the remote server, you will have to drag
and drop the folder on the Desktop before getting an archives for it.
- Send an email to both AND to your tutor in
the same mail : address separated by coma or use the CC field, not the BCC
(See here if you still don't know the name
of your tutor) such that
- The "Subject" of the email starts with "COMP1710_LABn_Uxxxxxxx"
(without the double quotes, all uppercase, with underscores, etc !)
- The content of the mail is
- Some polite greetings, like "G'Day Mate, here is my first lab
submission. I'm sure She'll be Right !" or anything more classical.
- The previously created zip file
- Please, send only one mail if the lecturer is also the tutor !!!
- Make sure that your 'From' address is either the official ANU address (
or or starts with FirstName.Surname@
- Send an email to yourself first if you want to check that everything is
all right.
Always Cc the email to yourself and check that you are able to properly unzip
the attached file.
- Marking scheme
- If you manage to send an E-mail properly (Subject, greeting, zip
file attached etc), and if the zip contains something related to the present
lab, you get one mark.
- If you do much of the work and send it properly, you get 2 marks.
- If you do most everything and send it properly, you'll get the
3 marks for this lab.
- To be valid, the submission has to be send the very latest on Sunday
following your lab at 23:55. But you should never wait till the last minute,
because if you miss that deadline, you are not marked.