Metaphor Introduction
Metaphor is an
integral part of human cognitive function
Metaphor in
language (English)
English expressions make use of metaphor. For example don’t waste time (MONEY as a metaphor for TIME), he often gets hot under the collar (HEAT
as a metaphor for ANGER), I see your
point (SIGHT as a metaphor for UNDERSTANDING). The list is virtually
Metaphor is in
fact a very complicated topic, encompassing cognitive psychology, philosophy,
linguistics and literary theory.
According to
[Treglown], the use of metaphor in HCI is not well understood. This applies all
the more to metaphor in virtual environments (VEs).
Simple definition
of metaphor [Preece+]: A metaphor is a way of understanding a new environment
by seeing it in the context of a well known environment.
(Somewhat more
formal) According to [Lakoff] a metaphor is a mapping from a source ICM
(Idealised Conceptual Model) to a target ICM.
In HCI metaphor
is studied mostly in the context of interface
The most well
known example of this is the “Desktop” metaphor. The interface to the computer
is seen as a desktop.
A command shell
presents a verbal, rather than visual metaphor – the “Conversation” metaphor