Display Technology 3

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Tracking Requirements


Ø      Display Technology used in Augmented Reality


§         Performances Issues

·        Displays that using video camera, there is a forced delay of up to one frame time to perform the video merging operation. At standard frame rates that will be potentially a 33.33 millisecond delay in the view seen by the user.

·        Compensation for this delay could be made by correctly timing the other paths in the system. Or, alternatively, if other paths are slower then the video of the real scene could be delayed.

·        An optical see-through display the view of the real world is instantaneous so it is not possible to compensate for system delays in other areas

·        The image generated by the camera is available to the system to provide tracking information.

·        The optical see-through display does not have this additional information. The only position information available with that display is what can be provided by position sensors on the head mounted display itself.