Virtual Reality Output Devices (non-visual)
Edwin Gibbons
1) 3-D Audio
From a sound you know that ... seeing with your ears
- echo / reverb
- room size
- unseen sound sources
- material, surface texture, surface hardness
How do we localize sound? - 8 cues
- Interaural time difference
- Head Shadow
- Pinna response
- Shoulder echo
- Head movement
- Early echo response / reverb
- Vision
Aside - sound recording
- Mono, Stereo, Biaural
- Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF)

- Convolution - early days (1992)

- Problems
Sound Rendering -> sound tracing

Spatial sound - problems
Applications and summary
2) Tactile and Force Feedback devices
What and Why?
Motion Platforms
"Virtual Reality" mouse (- NOT really VR!)
Gloves - several feedbacks


GROPE, PER handcontroller
MagLev Haptic


SandPaper system
Teletach Command

3) Olfactory Feedback
What is it?
Early interest
Commercial product (are they real?)
Finis - Question time?
Created on ... September 12, 2002