Web issues


All handouts will be available on the eScience web site.

You should still take notes !!!

and as a redirection through the webct web site :

eScience : http://escience.anu.edu.au/lecture/ivr/index.en.html


The final handouts should be available, at the very latest, the Friday following the lecture.

CSS : Cascading Style Sheet

CSS is the best way to change the look of a web page without touching to its content. It helps to deal with Accessibility issue. The idea is that text content is not corrupted by visual formatting.

Be sure that your web browser accept CCS. Netscape (> 4) and IE (>= 5) should be OK. Go to the W3C web site to check the list.

I will be using CSS in order to use the same document for slides, handouts et even my lecture notes. The differences will be done only by the application of different Style Sheet on the same web pages.

Additional Formats

Both following formats are based on XML and will perhaps be used in the handouts.

They are both new one on the web in the sense that they are not yet set by default in main browsers installation. Nevertheless, good Plug-Ins already exist to visualise that formats into web pages. To learn more about web standards and XML stuff, check the W3C web site : http://www.w3C.org/ .

Even if we don't eventually use theses additional format during in those handout, it is interesting to have a look at them

SVG : Scalable Vector Graphic

SVG is a challenger to Flash and Shockwave, the Macromedia format. Although SVG will
add many capabilities that are not directly available in Flash, by far the biggest difference between Flash and SVG is that the former is proprietary and the latter is public.

Adobe : http://www.adobe.com/svg/

has released a good plug-in for SVG.

MathML : Mathematics on the web

MathML is an XML application for describing mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content. The goal of MathML is to enable mathematics to be served, received, and processed on the Web, just as HTML has enabled this functionality for text.

IBM techexplorer : http://www-4.ibm.com/software/network/techexplorer/

IBM is providing a plug-in for MathML. Not only this plug-in will allow you to visualise MathML, but techexplorer enables the display of TeX, LaTeX and MathML documents and the publishing of interactive scientific material on the Web. Version 3.1 includes full support for MathML 2.0,