HTML Validation Services / HTML cleaning

W3C Markup Validation Service: Upload Files
HTML Tidy Project Page
A quorum of developers have pitched in on a SourceForge project to maintain and further develop Dave Raggett's excellent HTML Tidy program. We have two primary goals. First, to provide a home where all the patches and fixes that folks contribute can be co
The W3C CSS Validation Service
CSS Validator. Validate your CSS. a free service that checks Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in (X)HTML documents or standalone for conformance to W3C recommendations.
Watchfire WebXACT
free online service that lets you test single pages of web content for quality, accessibility, and privacy issues.
Link Check with LinkAlarm - Web Service for Reporting Broken Links and other Site Quality Problems
Clear the link rot from your sites
The W3C Markup Validation Service
Checks documents like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and outputs a report. Useful when dealing with obscure HTML bugs

Copyright 1994-2009
Pascal Vuylsteker

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