ExifTool by Phil Harvey
(exif - gps - iptc - perl - photos - tool - tools - xmp)
shootShifter 1.0
Exif RDF Schema
The importance of place - GPS and photography
ExifTool by Phil Harvey
Comment classer ses photos ?
IPTC Web: Homepage
» Download free trial PhotoToolCM for Macintosh
Métadonnées: une initiation - Dublin Core, IPTC, EXIF, RDF, XMP
GPS Tags
iMagine Photo
Read and write exif metadata with applescript
ScriptBuilders: iPhoto IPTC Keyword Import/Export Utilities 1.0
EXIF.org - EXIF and related resources
Métadonnées: une initiation - Dublin Core, IPTC, EXIF, RDF, XMP
Un excellent document sur les metadata

Copyright 1994-2009
Pascal Vuylsteker

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