Le plus fabuleux des languages de programmation ! Ce gestionaire de bookmark est bien sur écrit en Perl :-)

ExifTool by Phil Harvey
(exif - gps - iptc - perl - photos - tool - tools - xmp)
CamelBones, an Objective-C/Perl bridge for Mac OS X & GNUStep - Home
when all you really want to do is provide a Aqua interface to a Perl script you've already written.
Unicode-processing issues in Perl and how to cope with it (ahinea.com)
Mother of Perl: Free Perl Tutorials, Tips, Lessons, Tricks, and Code- Webreference.com
The CPAN Search Site - search.cpan.org
software modules cpan
Perl 5.8.7 documentation - perldoc.perl.org
perldoc.perl.org contains the core documentation for Perl version 5.8.7, in HTML and PDF formats.
perlrequick - perldoc.perl.org
Perl Monks - The Monastery Gates
Knowledge database on Perl
perlre - Perl regular expressions
CocoaDialog is an OS X application that allows the use of common GUI controls such as file selectors, text input, progress bars, yes/no confirmations and more with a command-line application. It requires no knowledge of Cocoa, and is ideal for use in shel
Perl.com: The Source for Perl -- perl development, perl conferences
Perl FAQ
perlfunc - Perl builtin functions - search.cpan.org
Perl Functions by Category
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
perl.com: Introducing Mac::Glue
a perl API to the MacOSX interface
(cocoa - osx - perl)
CamelBones, an Objective-C/Perl bridge for Mac OS X & GNUStep - Home
Un connecteur perl/mac bien documente

Copyright 1994-2009
Pascal Vuylsteker

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