- Utilisation des accéléromètres du mac pour faire de l'animation
- start [processinghacks.com]
- Processing hacks is an effort to document some of the trickier and more advanced topics that Processing users are stumbling across as they gain experience and cross-fertilise their work with other platforms, languages and libraries. It is being led by Tom
- Flickr_images2tag_2 : Built with Processing
- Example of Mash-up of Flickr using processing.org
- the Art of DeTouch
- How photos can be outrageously manipulated
- Environment (IDE) \ Processing 1.0 (BETA)
- Henry: Introduction
- Daniel Shiffman » The Nature of Code
- Processing 1.0 (BETA)
- Atlas Gloves: A DIY Hand Gesture Interface for Google Earth
- hacks:gpx [processinghacks.com]
- Processing library to help you read and manipulate GPS data in the GPX format.
- Processing Blogs
- Aggregating blogs about Processing and related topics
- Obsessive Camera Direction
- Library 3D
- Studio 4 with Processing
- Examples
- daniel shiffman -- nature of code
- "Old" course