ManyPage : Runtime Options  [-(r|d|f|p|a|m|v|t|s|w|o|u|i|b|h|?)] file

   r: Process all the file in the hierarchy
   d: Process all the file in the directory (do not deal with subdirectories)
   with r and d options, curent directory (.) is the default one.
   f: Process only file with name 'file'
   a: Links relativisation
   v: Version
   t: Included image transfert
   s: Desactivate image size management
   w: Desactivate title search (next and back)
   o: Writing of compiled files : .obj_final_brut and .obj_final_net
   u: Use of compiled files .obj_final_brut and .obj_final_net
   i: Output messages in HTML (for the web)
   h|?: aide en ligne

   Options you should not pay attention to
   m: backward compatibility  
   p: Produce different look (if defined within $Autre_habillage file)
   z: Debug mode
   b: Other debug mode

   file: name of the page to process


Copyright 1994-2009
Pascal Vuylsteker

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