Computer Graphics Jargon:
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Illumination Models:
Java3D : Real Time illumination model : lots of approximations. No Shade, simplified transparency, no reflexion (miror). OpenGL, SGI trick : two time the same scene to simulate real time reflexion on the floor.
Raytracing, Radiosity...
From Physics we can derive models, called "illumination models", of how light reflects from surfaces and produces what we perceive as color. In general, light leaves some light source, e.g. a lamp or the sun, is reflected from many surfaces and then finally reflected to our eyes, or through an image plane of a camera.
The contribution from the light that goes directly from the light source and is reflected from the surface is called a "local illumination model". So, for a local illumination model, the shading of any surface is independent from the shading of all other surfaces.
A "global illumination model" adds to the local model the light that is reflected from other surfaces to the current surface. A global illumination model is more comprehensive, more physically correct, and produces more realistic images. It is also more computationally expensive. We will first look at some basic properties of light and color, the physics of light-surface interactions, local illumination models, and global illumination models.
Scan-line rendering methods use only local illumination models, although they may use tricks to simulate global illumination. Many current graphics images and commercial systems are in this category, but many systems are becoming global illumination based.
The two major types of graphics systems that use global illumination models are radiosity and ray tracing. These produce more realistic images but are more computationally intensive than scan-line rendering systems.
Every object in a scene is potentially a source of light. Light may be either be emitted or reflected from objects. Generally, in computer graphics we make a distinction between light emitters and light reflectors. The emitters are called light sources, and the reflectors are usually the objects being rendered. Light sources are characterized by their intensities while reflectors are characterized by their material properties.
Light Sources
Surface Properties
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Simplifications used by most real time scomputer graphics systems:
Most computer graphic rendering systems only attempt to model the direct illumination from the emitters to the reflectors of the scene. On the other hand most systems ignore the geometry of light emitters, and consider only the geometry of reflectors. The rationalization behind these simplifications is that most of the light from a scene results from a single bounce of a emitted ray off of a reflective surface. This is, however, a very questionable assumption. In most computer generated pictures you will not see light directly emitted from the light source, nor the indirect illumination from a light reflecting off on surface and illuminating another. |
Things forgotten or oversimplified here |
First we will consider some very simple lighting models.
Even though an object in a scene is not directly lit it will still be visible. This is because light is reflected indirectly from nearby objects. A simple hack that is commonly used to model this indirect illumination is to use of an ambient light source.
The look of a scene with only Ambient Light Source is very flat
Ambient light is the illumination of an object caused by reflected light from
other surfaces. To calculate this exactly would be very complicated. A simple
model assumes ambient light is uniform in the environment.
We consider the direction of the light source when computing
both the diffuse and specular components of illumination.
With a directional light source this direction is a constant.
The rays emitted from a point light radially diverge from the source.A point light source is a fair approximation to a local light source such as a light bulb.The direction of the light to each point on a surface changes when a
point light source is used.
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Remember Luxo from Pixar ? |
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...On a ideal diffuse reflector : a very rough surface.First, we will consider a particular type of surface
called an ideal diffuse reflector. An ideal diffuse surface is, at
the microscopic level, a very rough surface. Because of the microscopic variations in the surface, an incoming ray of light is equally likely to be reflected in any direction over the hemisphere. |
Diffuse reflections are constant over each surface in a scene, independent of the viewing direction.
Ideal diffuse reflectors reflect light according to Lambert's cosine law, (these are sometimes called Lambertian reflectors).
Lambert's law states that the reflected energy from a small surface area in a particular direction is proportional to the cosine of the angle between that direction and the surface normal. Lambert's law determines how much of the incoming light energy is reflected.
Remember that the amount of energy that is reflected in any one direction is constant in this model. In other words, the reflected intensity is independent of the viewing direction.
The intensity does, however, depend on the light source's orientation relative to the surface, and it is this property that is governed by Lambert's law.
The angle between the surface normal and the incoming light ray is called the angle of incidence and we can express a intensity of the light in terms of this angle.
In practice we use vector analysis to compute cosine term indirectly. If both the normal vector and the incoming light vector are normalized (unit length) then diffuse shading can be computed as follows:
Greater angles (where the dot product is negative) are blocked by the surface, and the reflected energy is 0.
Below are several examples of a spherical diffuse reflector with a varying lighting angles.
Why do you think spheres are used as examples when shading?
What is missing ??? a little shiny spot ?
A second surface type is called a specular reflector. When we look at a shiny surface, such as polished metal or a glossy car finish, we see a highlight, or bright spot. Where this bright spot appears on the surface is a function of where the surface is seen from. This type of reflectance is view dependent.
At the microscopic level a specular reflecting surface is very smooth, and usually these microscopic surface elements are oriented in the same direction as the surface itself.
Specular reflection is merely the mirror reflection of the light source in a surface. Thus it should come as no surprise that it is viewer dependent, since if you stood in front of a mirror and placed your finger over the refelection of a light, you would expect that you could reposition your head to look around your finger and see the light again. An ideal mirror is a purely specular reflector.
In order to model specular reflection we need to understand the physics of reflection.
Reflection behaves according to Snell's laws which state: One common PlaneThe incoming ray, the surface normal, and the reflected ray all lie in a common plane. One relation between angleThe angle that the reflected ray forms with the surface normal is determined by the angle that the incoming ray forms with the surface normal, and the relative speeds of light of the mediums in which the incident and reflected rays propogate according to the following expression. |
Reflection : a special case of the lawReflection is a very special case of Snell's Law where the incident light's medium and the reflected rays medium is the same. Thus we can simplify the expression to:
1620s: Snell and Descarte, Snell’s Law :
1636 Snell discovers Descarte's laws... :
Snell deduced his law from experimental data and thought that cosecants fitted his data best. The frenchman Descarte was the first to use the correct sines. In France it is known as Descarte's Law!
Snell's law, however, applies only to ideal mirror reflectors. Real materials, other than mirrors and chrome tend to deviate significantly from ideal reflectors. At this point we will introduce an empirical model that is consistent with our experience, at least to a crude approximation.
In general, we expect most of the reflected light to travel in the direction of the ideal ray. However, because of microscopic surface variations we might expect some of the light to be reflected just slightly offset from the ideal reflected ray. As we move farther and farther, in the angular sense, from the reflected ray we expect to see less light reflected.
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One function that approximates this fall off is called the Phong Illumination model. This model has no physical basis, yet it is one of the most commonly used illumination models in computer graphics.
The cos f term is maximum when the surface is viewed from the mirror direction and falls off to 0 when viewed at 90 degrees away from it. The nshiny term controls the rate of this fall off.
Note that this equation is only valid for f < PI/2
The diagram below shows the how the Phong reflectance drops off based on the viewers angle from the reflected ray for various values of nshiny.
The cos term of Phong's specular illumination could be replaced using the following relationship.
The V vector is the unit vector in the direction of the viewer and the R vector is the mirror reflectance direction.
The vector R can be computed from the incoming
light direction and the surface normal as shown below.
The following figure illustrates this relationship.
Jim Blinn introduced another approach for computing Phong-like illumination based on the work of Ken Torrance.
His illumination function uses the following equation:
In this equation the angle of specular dispersion is computed by how far the surface's normal is from a vector bisecting the incoming light direction and the viewing direction.
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On your own you should consider how this approach and the previous one differ.
N : Normal to the real plan
H : Normal to the plane that would create higher reflexion towards the viewer
Advantage : the angle (N,H) will always remains between 0 and PI/2
Careful : nshiny should introduce a factor 2 with the previous expression.
The following spheres illustrate specular reflections as the direction of the light source and the coefficient of shineyness is varied.
Illumination models take into account each individual point on a surface and the light sources that are directly illuminating it.
Ambient reflection is the result of inter-reflection from the walls and objects. However, it is modelled as a constant term for the specific object, such that a 3D sphere looks 2D. This approximates diffuse reflection globally.
Spheres shaded showing variation of magnitude in ambient component over the surface of each sphere. From left to right, increasing amount of cyan ambient reflection.
Most objects around us do not emit light of their own. Rather they absorb daylight, or light emitted from an artificial source, and reflect part of it. Here, light that reached the surfaces would be scattered equally in all directions. This implies that the amount of light as observed by the viewer is independent of the viewer's location.
Spheres shaded showing variation of magnitude in diffuse component over the surface of each sphere. From left to right, increasing amount of cyan diffuse reflection.
Many real world surfaces are glossy, such that when viewed from certain angles they can be seen reflecting light. A glossy surface reflects a high proportion of light, while the rest is the result of diffuse reflection. This glossy or shiny reflection is called specular reflection.
Spheres shaded showing variation of magnitude in specular component over the surface of each sphere. From left to right, increasing amount of specular reflection.
Our final empirical illumination model is:
Reflectance coefficients, ka, kd, and ks may or
may not vary with the color component |
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To this point we have discussed how to compute an illumination model at a point on a surface.
But, at which points on the surface is the illumination model applied? Where and how often it is applied has a noticable effect on the result.
Illuminating can be a costly process involving the computation of and normalizing of vectors to multiple light sources and the viewer.
The simplest shading method applies only one illumination calculation for each primitive. This technique is called constant or flat shading. It is often used on polygonal primitives.
Illumination is computed for only a single point on the facet. Which one? Usually the centroid. For a convex facet the centriod is given as follows:
This shading is just a working hypothesis, that is not usually used
This only works if the polygons reasonably approximate the underlying surface.
better approximation can be found using a clustering analysis of the normals
on the unit sphere.
Now that we understand the geometric implications of a
normal it is easy to figure out how to transform them.
On a facetted planar surface vectors in the tangent plane can be computed using
surface points as follows. Normals are always orthogonal to the tangent space
at a point. Thus, given two tangent vectors we can compute the normal as follows:This
normal is perpendicular to both of these tangent vectors.
Not all surfaces are given as planar facets. A common example of such a surface is called a parametric surface. For a parametric surface the three-space coordinates are determined by functions of two parameters, u and v in our case. For parametric surfaces two vectors in the tangent plane can be found by computing partial derivatives as follows. And the normal is computed as before:
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Imagine you have a large polygon, lit by a light near
it's center. The light intensity at each vertex will be quite low, because they
are far from the light. The polygon will be rendered quite dark, but this is
wrong, because it's centre should be brightly lit. You can see this happening
in the game Descent. Firing flares around, especially into corners, causes the
surroundings to light up. But try firing a flare into the middle of a large
flat wall or floor, and you will see that it has very little effect.
However, if you are using a large number of small polygons, with a relatively
distant light source, Gouraud shading can look quite acceptable. Infact, the
smaller the polygons, the closer it comes to Phong shading.
Gouraud Shading: Named after its inventor, Henri Gouraud who developed this technique in 1971 (yes, 1971). It is by far the most common type of shading used in consumer 3D graphics hardware, primarily because of its higher visual quality versus its still-modest computational demands. This technique takes the lighting values at each of a triangle's three vertices, then interpolates those values across the surface of the triangle. Gouraud shading actually first interpolates between vertices and assigns values along triangle edges, then it interpolates across the scan line based on the interpolated edge crossing values. One of the main advantages to Gouraud is that it smoothes out triangle edges on mesh surfaces, giving objects a more realistic appearance. The disadvantage to Gouraud is that its overall effect suffers on lower triangle-count models, because with fewer vertices, shading detail (specifically peaks and valleys in the intensity) is lost. Additionally, Gouraud shading sometimes loses highlight detail, and fails to capture spotlight effects.
In Phong shading (1975 - Phong Biu-Tuong)(not to be confused
with Phong's illumination model), the surface normal is linearly interpolated
across polygonal facets, and the Illumination model is applied at every point.
A Phong shader assumes the same input as a Gouraud shader, which means that
it expects a normal for every vertex. The illumination model is applied at every
point on the surface being rendered, where the normal at each point is the result
of linearly interpolating the vertex normals defined at each vertex of the triangle.
Phong shading will usually result in a very smooth appearance, however, evidence
of the polygonal model can usually be seen along silhouettes.
the Phong method, vector interpolation replaces intensity interpolation.
Graphic courtesy of Watt.
There are three traditional shading models, namely flat shading, Gouraud shading and Phong shading. Global illumination shading models such as recursive ray tracing and radiosity takes into account the interchange of light between all surfaces.
Flat surface rendering or constant shading is the simplest rendering format that involves some basic surface properties such as colour distinctions and reflectivity. This method produces a rendering that does not smooth over the faces which make up the surface. The resulting visualization shows an object that appears to have surfaces faceted like a diamond.
Rendering only requires the computation of a colour for
each visible face. The whole face is
filled with this colour.
Toy duck using flat shading.
This approach is fast and very simple, but it gives quite unrealistic results and non-smooth surfaces. This is highlighted by the Mach effect: the intensity at the vicinities of the edges is overestimated for light values and underestimated for dark values.
The Gouraud shading [Gouraud, 1971] is restricted to the
diffuse component of the illumination
model and it gives a fairly realistic result
Toy duck usingGouraud shading.
It is noted that most VR systems, including Leeds Advanced
Driving Simulator and arcade
games such as Sega's Street Fighter, use Gouraud shading extensively.
Phong shading overcomes the limitation of Gouraud shading
by incorporating specular reflection
into the scheme [Phong, 1975]. Now, we have the effect of specular highlight
in the middle of
each polygon. Also note that the intensity transition from one polygon to another
is smoother.
Toy duck using Phong shading.
However, the primary objective is for efficiency of computation
rather than for accurate physical simulation. As mentioned by Phong: "We
do not expect to be able to display the object exactly as it would appear
in reality, with texture, overcast shadows, etc. We hope only to display an
image that approximates the real object closely enough to provide a certain
degree of realism."