Special Comments

Java provides a special form of comment for generating automatic documentation, and web pages. It uses a tool called javadoc. Within these special comment blocks several special variables, indicated by a leading @, are recognized.

Documentation comments:

/** The Universe and Everything
 *	@version 0.9999 Date : This must be Thursday
 *	@author Ford Prefect
 *	@author Arthur Dent
 *  @see <A HREF="http://users.milliways.mg-net.de/BSAFH/guide/">the book</A>
public class theUnivers 
	public static String getTheAnswer()
	 *  @deprecated Remember a important thing about that question ...
	 * "It is said that if both the question and the answer to Life, 
	 * the Universe and Everything ever exist in the same dimention 
	 * it will dissappear and be replaced by something even more strange 
	 * and unexplicable" -Hitch Hicker Guide To The Galaxy
	private String getTheQuestion()