EXIF, IPTC and other Metada
Information stored within image files
EXIF : Techinal data from the producer of the image (Digital Camera, on shooting
IPTC : Edited by the user (Title, keywords, copyright ...)
Used by photo galerie generators like ... "Galerie"
Photoshop allows you to store text metadata within your
image files, by using the File / File Info command. That set of fields is IPTC/NAA
compatible, and it has become a standard for the handling and storing of image
metadata, specially by news agencies. On the other hand, EXIF data is information
that digital cameras store in the image file, about the camera itself and its
shooting values.
Next ? Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP)
Created and open sourced by Adobe in 2001
Aims to standardize the definition and creation of metadata
Built using existing web standards
Designed to be extensible