COMP1710 : Laboratory 8 : Panoramic images and QTVR
1. Objectives
Create some panoramic images by stitching photographs with RealViz Stitcher,
and then include them within a visit proposed on a web page.
2. Tasks
2.0 Task 0 : Usual preparation
As usual now, create a directory named LABn_Uxxxxxxx where you will put
today work. Include an index.html file that will link directly or indirectly
to all the html pages you will create. There should be a link to that page in
all the pages you will create. There should be your name and a mailto link to
your email at the bottom of all your pages.
Important : you should make sure to include a special page named source.html
or log.html with the list of media you used in your lab, with the type of
modification you have done. Please read the rule
about borrowing data in the context of COMP1710 labs and assignment
2.1 Task1 : Stitch your first QTVR
Read and do the 'Introduction' and 'Stitching a Single Row' part of the Stitcher
tutorial (have a look at the oracle server, in COMP1710 : Lab8 )
2.2 Task 2 : Include it in a web page
Include the previously stitched panorama as a QTVR movie in a HTML page
Hint : PAGEotX or
2.3 Ghost cleaning
Stitch the Sydney harbour set (data is on the oracle server), erase the following
ghosts, and publish the result as a jpeg image within a HTML page. Use two resolutions,
one for the inline image, and one for the image you get when you click on the
inline image.
Minimal set of ghosts to delete
Hints :
- Read the quickTour document
- The focal length multiplier for the used camera is roughly around 5
- To find out what the focal length of the used lens was, look at the EXIF
information, for instance with the menu File / Information tool of photoshop
- You may want to estimate the distortion of the lens too ...
2.4 organise a scene with at least 2 nodes and at least 4 links (2 from each
There should be at least a way to go from one node to the other (and return),
within the same QT viewer, and a way to open a new HTML page (within a different
window) with some content connected to the area delimited by the clicked hot
Feel free to use the two previousely generated panoramas. You will have to
re-export the harbour one as a partial QTVR panorama.
Or you may want to stitch other photographs available on the Oracle, especially
the one from the ANU Campus.
3. Conclusion
You are now able to propose a set of QTVR file, conected together trough hot
4. Extra work
Use a java viewer to display a panoramic image produced with stitcher
Try to stitch some cubic image from the tutorial
5. Summary to get 3 marks for this lab session
This week, you may follow exactly the same process as previous weeks to upload
your work, or chose to ftp to liskov to do so.
If there is an issue with partch, you may use iwaki instead.
N.B. : For more information about the uploading and access to partch/iwaki/liskov
server, please consult
and http://tsg/twiki/bin/view/Documentation/StudentSettingUpWebPages
- Create a directory which name is LAB7_Uxxxxxxx where xxxxxxx is your student
- Within that directory, put the deliverables describe for this lab (see above)
- Zip that directory and its contents. ( If everything is working well, the
name of the zip file should be where xxxxxxx is your ...
- open a Terminal application (within the Hard Disk / Application / Utilities)
- Change your directory into the one which your zip file is in
- type cd, then a space
- drag and drop the icon of the directory that contain your zip file on
the Terminal window
- press return
- type 'ls', then <return> and you will see the list of files in
that directory, one of them being your zip file
- See the video
- Copy your file on the DCS student server 'partch' using scp
type 'scp' then <return>
You will be asked your password, the usual one. please pay attention : xxxxxxx
is your student ID
- Connect to the server, go to the right directory, unzip your file
- type 'ssh' then <return>
You will be asked to confirm that you want to start a secure connection,
and then your password, the usual one,
- type 'cd public_html' then <return>
- type 'unzip' then <return>
- type 'chmod -R 755 LAB7_Uxxxxxxx' then <return>
- type 'cd LAB7_Uxxxxxxx' then <return>
- type 'ls' then <return>
check that you see a list of your file and subdirectories
- take a web browser and check that your work is visible on
- Keep reading up to the end : you still have to send an email with the working
URL ...
- if not, there must probably be some uppercase/lowercase issue, or something
like that. Make sure to send a clean URL by mail or else your lab won't
be marked
- another issue could be that your account had not been properly created.
Log into streams, wait for 10 min and try again.
- if it is still not working, check again, then check again, then send
a mail to with a detailed description of what
you have done.
Summary of the Shell Session (yellow part are what you have to type, each
time validated by a press of the <return> key
> scp
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is c8:ad:18:32:da:37:6f:d5:72:ab:c9:8b:8e:e7:f2:59.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password: your passwd here 4% 344KB 13.7KB/s 09:46 ETA 100% 8404KB 8.7KB/s 16:01 100% 8404KB 8.7KB/s 16:01
> ssh's password: your passwd here
partch:~> cd public_html
partch:~/public_html> ls
partch:~/public_html> unzip
creating: LAB7_U4032266/
creating: LAB7_U4032266/testweb/
inflating: LAB7_U4032266/testweb/back.gif
inflating: LAB7_U4032266/testweb/background.gif
inflating: LAB7_U4032266/testweb/forward.gif
creating: LAB7_U4032266/testweb/fullsize/
inflating: LAB7_U4032266/testweb/fullsize/2004_04_17_10.02.20.jpg
- Send an email to both and to your tutor such
- The "Subject" of the email start with "COMP1710_LAB8_Uxxxxxxx"
(without the double quotes, all uppercase, with underscores, and where
xxx... !)
- The content of the mail is
- Some polite greetings, like "G'Day Mate, my first has been
published at the following address :
- Make sure that the URL is working and point to
your work !!!!!