p3) Taxonomy for Networked Virtual Environments (1997)
Michael Macedonia - IEEE MultiMedia - http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/macedonia97taxonomy.html
p23) The Lessons of Lucasfilm's Habitat
Chip Morningstar and F.Randall Farmer
p41) Playing in the MUD
Michael O'Brien
Multicast Issues for Collaborative Virtual Environments
Hugh Fisher - IEE Computer Graphics and Applications
A number striked means that the paper has already been attributed. Eg. : 6
ID |
Paper |
p47) Macedonia, M., Zyda, M., Pratt, D., Brutzman, D. and Barham, P. Exploiting Reality with Multicast Groups: A Network Architecture for Large-scale Virtual Environments, in Proceedings of IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications (1995), 38-45. - http://www.computer.org/cga/cg1995/g5038abs.htm |
p61) Scaling a shared virtual environment Rodger Lea, Pierre Guillaume Raverdy, Yasuhiko Honda, Kouichi Matsuda Sony Computer Science Lab. Tokyo, Japan - http://www.csl.sony.co.jp/person/rodger/ICDCS/icdcs2.html |
p75) Npsnet: A Network Software Architecture For Large Scale Virtual
Environments (1994) |
p105) Using Projection Aggregations to Support Scalability in Distributed
Simulation (1996) Sandeep K. Singhal, David R. Cheriton - http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/singhal96using.html |
p117) CAVERN: A Distributed Architecture for Supporting Scalable Persistence
and Interoperability in Collaborative Virtual Environments Jason Leigh (jleigh@eecs.uic.edu), Andrew E. Johnson, Thomas A. DeFanti Electronic Visualization Laboratory - University of Illinois at Chicago http://www.evl.uic.edu/cavern/cavernpapers/vrs/index.html |
p145) Handling Heterogeneity in Networked Virtual Environments Helmuth Trefftz 1, Ivan Marsic 2 and Michael Zyda and 2 CAIP Center, Rutgers University 3 The MOVES Institute, Naval Postgraduate School http://www.npsnet.org/~zyda/pubs/IEEEVR2002.pdf |
p153) Adaptive Networking for Tele-Immersion |
p163) Community Place: Architecture and Performance Rodger Lea, Yasuaki Honda, Kouchi Matsuda and Satoru Matsuda Sony Architecture Labs, Tokyo, Japan - http://www.csl.sony.co.jp/person/rodger/VRML97/PAPER/vrml97.html |
p173) Internetwork Infrastructure Requirements for Virtual Environments
Donald P. Brutzman, |
10 |
p183) Shared Spaces : Transportation, Artificiality, and Spaciality |
p193) EQUIP: a Software Platform for Distributed Interactive Systems Chris Greenhalgh |
p203) The Bluec Distributed Scene Graph Martin Naef, Edouard Lamboray, Oliver Staadt, Markus Gross |
Jason Leigh+, Oliver Yu, Dan Schonfeld, Rashid Ansari, Eric He, Atul Nayak, Jinghua Ge, Naveen Krishnaprasad, Kyoung Park, Yong-joo Cho, Liujia Hu, Ray Fang, Alan Verlo, Linda Winkler, Thomas A. DeFanti |
p223) A Platform for Distributed Virtual Environments Renata Cruz TeiXeira, Otto Carlos M.B. Duarte |
p239) The Sopranos Meets EverQuest:
Social Networking in Massively Multiplayer Online Games Mikael Jakobsson, TL Taylor - Paper presented at the 5th International Digital Arts and Culture Conference, Melbourne 2003 - http://hypertext.rmit.edu.au/dac/papers/Jakobsson.pdf |
A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy Clay Shirky - Online, April 2003 - http://www.shirky.com/writings/group_enemy.html |
257) GPU Cluster for High Performance Computing Zhe Fan, Feng Qiu, Arie Kaufman, Suzane Yoakum-Stover |
Additional propositions |
18 |
Long Distance Haptic
Collaboration Chris Gunn, Matthew Hutchins, Matt Adcock, Rhys Hawkins |
Peer-To-Peer Message Exchange Scheme For Large Scale Networked Virtual Environments
(2002) Yoshihiro KAWAHARA, Hiroyuki MORIKAWA, Tomonori AOYAMA |
A Review on
Networking and Multiplayer Computer Games (2002) Jouni Smed, Timo Kaukoranta, Harri Hakonen |
Evolution of Multicast: From the MBone to Inter-Domain Multicast to Internet2
Deployment (2000) Kevin Almeroth |