The Human Eye : Main Characteristics of the Sight (2)

Total 15M pixels over the FOV of 4/3PI steradians, most dense in fovea. (about 1/3rd of a full sphere : 4PI steradian)

Visual Acuity : between 30” to 2’ of angle ...  let's memorize 1'

Pixel resolution

  • 28 seconds of arc - highest resolution

  • 50 seconds of arc - "20/20" vision

  • 1.5 arc - minutes - "20/30" acceptable vision

  • Lighty slot on Black Backgroung : 30'' of arc

  • 2 lighty spots on Black Background 1 ' of arc

  • 2 black spot on white background 2 ' of arc

1 ' : 0.1mn at 35 cm (0.0001/tan(1/60) = 0.34)

A screen at 35 cm, 25 cm, with a 40° FOV should have 2500 pixels (and not only 1024) !

Stereoscopique Acuity : around 0.1 milliradian : Delta r = 0.001 . r2 (in m)

Maximim perceptible frequency : 25-30 hz

It is easier to perceive a slight difference than an absolute value

What we "look at" is not about a simple picture printed on the retina

Before 70 philosophical (Kant) duality/separation between perception and interpretation (eye/cortex)... now, more complex organisation, with specialised aera (frequency perception, color contraste, color and low resolution intensities, move and stereoscopic depth perception ...)

Average IPD (InterPupillary Distance) : 65 mm for adulte
(between 50 and 70mm for european population)

The center-to-center distance between an adult person's eyes averages. The binocular and of course HMD, should be capable of any setting between those two measurements.