On the Virtual World Side
BSA = Behavioural Software Assistance
When the virtual world guess what you are trying to do and help you to do
When you play a card game and the software put the card
exactly at the right position, even if you put it 1 mm away.
From Hugh :
Real world signposts are often difficult to read due to
angle or darkness. In a VE they can be billboarded so the signpost is
always facing the user, no matter where they are.
Example : icon alignment
3 stages of the computer interface evolution by Dr. Kim Silverman
1D : Textual (command line interface)
2D : Procedural
3... : Not 3D yet, but Google or By Delegation (voice recognition)
Dr. Kim Silverman
Principal Research Scientist
Manager, Spoken Language Technologies
Apple Computer
VBP = Virtual Behavioural Primitive
Everything that you will ever do in a VR is a combination of one of the following
actions / VBP
To examine (visual observation, orientation ...)
To move around (navigation, locomotion, orientation)
To interact on the VW (object handling ....)
To Communicate