Panorama Projection
Core Sound
Portable digital audio recording
Panoramic Photography Lens Database
This is a database of the most common lenses used for panoramic photography.
Comparison_Nikkor Vs Sigma Short_Eng
Fisheye lenses compared: Sigma 8mm f/4 Vs Nikkor 10,5mm f/2,8. Another excellent study by Michel Thoby
The Page of Omnidirectional Vision
Pano without the need for stitching (or the process is calibrated and automated)
TBK - Digital Panorama Technologie - Aufnahmegeräte (5)
Mashup of SmugSmug and Googlemap
Example of positioning images according to the Exif metadata
Panoscan Panoramic Camera for High Speed Digital Capture
One full panoramic image in one shoot.

Copyright 1994-2009
Pascal Vuylsteker

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