ANU Willows Oval and all new Sport and Recreation Centre

ANU North, Canberra

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Geographic Coordinates:

Latitude : 35:16:32S (-35.2756)
Longitude : 149:07:18E (149.1216)


10/09/2004 at 15:22 ( EST - Eastern Standard Time (UTC/GMT +10 hours) )

Equipment / Story of the image:

Taken with a Nikon D70 digital SLR, AF-S Nikkor 18-70mm (1:3.5-4.5) ED, at position 18mm (focal length multiplier of the D70 : 1.5 : 18mm <=> 27mn/24x36), f11 at 1/200 second. Mounted on a Kaidan KIWI-L QTVR Pano Head (on Sony Tripod) 12 shots (40% overlapping). Stitched with Realviz Stitcher 4.0. Cleaned with Photoshop CS.
This shot is part of a set of raw data provided to my students (course COMP1710 from the ANU) as a mid term assignment : they would have to stitch them and add some links

Copyright 1994-2009
Pascal Vuylsteker

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