eScience Lectures Notes : COMP1710 : HTML
Slide 1 : 1/35 : From New Media to The Web (index.en.html)
COMP1710 Tools for New Media and Web
HTML - The glue of the web
then 'n'ext or 'b'ack
Slide 2 : ToC : COMP1710 : HTML (tableOfContent.en.html)
Table of Contents (35 slides) for the presentation :
Slide 3 : 3/35 : Web = HTTP + URL + HTML (intro.en.html)
In this lecture :
Web = HTTP + URL + HTML ( + Browser + Server )
Look behind the scenes when a browser displays a Web page
Explain what HTML is and how Web pages use HTML
Demonstrate how to create Web pages with nothing more than
a text editor and a browser
Slide 4 : 4/35 : HTML : Introduction (introduction.en.html)
HTML : Introduction
Stands for ...
HyperText Markup Language
Sounds like SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)...
Abbreviation of Standard Generalized Markup Language,
a system for organizing and tagging elements of a document. SGML was developed
and standardized by the International Organization for Standards (ISO). SGML
itself does not specify any particular formatting; rather, it specifies the
rules for tagging elements. These tags can then be interpreted to format elements
in different ways.
Visual vs Logical formatting of text/ideas : logical structure
Origins in CERN ( Tim Berners-Lee : a collaboration tool )
First GUI web browser was NCSA Mosaic
Later driven by Netscape and Microsoft IE
Standard published by W3C
HTML is the lingua franca for publishing hypertext
on the World Wide Web. It is a non-proprietary format based upon SGML, and can
be created and processed by a wide range of tools, from simple plain text editors
- you type it in from scratch- to sophisticated WYSIWYG authoring tools. HTML
uses tags such as <h1> and </h1> to structure text into headings,
paragraphs, lists, hypertext links etc.
Reference : Web Wizard's Guide to HTML
Slide 5 : 5/35 : HTML Versions (versions.en.html)
HTML Versions
1.0 The first version
Without included images (Mosaic extension)
2.0 The start of the web, background images, frameset
Explosion of Extensions proposed by Netscape and IE to win the market
3.2 Stabilisation of both Netscape and IE features
4.0 Back to purity (4.01)
December 1997 - April 1998
Separtion of Data and Form
Establishment of CSS
Preparation of the transition to XHTML
But ... not yet fully implemented in all Browser. Firefox is a good one to
XHTML : The same thing but XML compatiblle
Who decides ? the World Wide Web Consortium
Extract from
start here ----
HTML 1.0
HTML 1.0 was the first release of HTML to the world. Not
many people were involved in website creation at the time, and the language
was very limiting. There really wasn't much you could do with it bar getting
some simple text onto the web. But then, just that got the beardos a-foamin'
back in the day.
HTML 2.0
HTML 2.0 included everything from the original 1.0 specifications
but added a few new features to the mix. »
HTML 2.0 was the standard for website design until January 1997 and defined
many core HTML features for the first time.
HTML 3.0
More and more people were getting into the HTML game around
now, and while the previous standards offered some decent abilities to webmasters
(as they became known), they thirsted for more abilities and tags. They wanted
to enhance the look of their sites.
This is where trouble started. »
Netscape at the time was the clear leader in the browser market. To appease
the cries of the HTML authors, they introduced new proprietary
tags and attributes into their Netscape Navigator browser. These new abilities
were called Netscape extension tags. This caused big problems
as other browsers tried to replicate the effects of these tags so as not to
be left behind but could not get their browsers to display things the same way.
This meant that if you designed a page with Netscape ETs, the page would look
bad in other browsers. This caused confusion and irritation for the markup pioneers.
At this time,
a HTML working group, led by a man named »
Dave Raggett introduced a new HTML draft, HTML 3.0. It included many new
and improved abilities for HTML, and promised far more powerful opportunities
for webmasters to design their pages. Sadly, the browsers were awfully slow
in implementing any of the new improvements, only adding in a few and leaving
out the rest. Partly, this failure can be attributed to the size of the overhaul;
and so the HTML 3.0 spec was abandoned.
Thankfully, the people in charge noted this and so future
improvements were always designed to be modular. This meant
they could be added in stages, which makes it easier on the browser companies.
HTML 3.2 (wilbur)
The browser-specific tags kept coming, and it became increasingly
apparent that a standard needed to be found. To this end, the »
World Wide Web Consortium (abbreviated to the W3C) was founded
in 1994 to standardise the language and keep it evolving in the right direction.
Their first work was named WILBUR, and later became known as »
HTML 3.2. This was a toned-down change to the existing standards, leaving
many of the big steps forward for later versions. Most of the extensions tags
that had been introduced by Netscape (and to a lesser-extent, Microsoft) did
not make it into these new standards. It soon caught on and became the official
standard in January '97, and today practically all browsers support it fully.
HTML 4.0 (cougar)
HTML 4.0 was a large evolution of the HTML standards,
and the last iteration of classic HTML. Early in development it had the code-name
COUGAR. Most of the new functionality brought in this time is from
the ill-fated HTML 3.0 spec, as well as a host of trimmings on old tags, a focus
on internationalisation, and support for HTML's new supporting presentational
language, cascading stylesheets.
HTML 4.0 was recommended by the W3C in December '97 and
became the official standard in April 1998. Browser support was undertaken surprisingly
earnestly by Microsoft in their Internet
Explorer browser, and the market-leading IE5 (and current successor IE6)
have excellent support for almost all of the new tags and attributes. In comparison,
Netscape's terribly flawed Navigator 4.7 was crap when it came to HTML 4.0 and
even basic CSS. Navigator 6
however, is a vast improvement.
Once HTML 4.0 had been out for a little while, the documentation
was revised and corrected in a few minor ways and was entitled HTML 4.01; the
final version of the specification.
Head on over to the W3C site for the »
official documentation; and to read more about the new tags, attributes
and redundancies brought about by this new standard, read our article, HTML
4.0 Explained.
Close to the beginning of the 21st century the W3C issued
their » specifications of XHTML
1.0 as a recommendation.
Since January 26, 2000 it stands as joint-standard with HTML 4.01. XHTML marks
a departure from the way new specs have worked — it is an entirely new
branch of HTML, taking in ideas from »
XML, which is a far more complicated markup language than HTML. There aren't
many new or deprecated tags and attributes in this version of HTML, but there
are things that have changed with a view of increased accessibility and functionality.
It's mainly just a new set of coding rules. Read all about it properly in XHTML
Source :
Slide 6 : 6/35 : Generalities (considerations.en.html)
Uniformity /Accessibility
How will your page look on different systems (OS/Browsers) ?
Specifying fonts or sizes => CSS
Never use non standard HTML Tags
Can common browsers view your page
Do you include metadata (TITLE tag and ALT attributes and others)
Try on several systems/plateforms
Safari, Firefox, Omniweb, Netscape Navigator, OPERA, Lynx ( text only ), MSIE.
Can search engines extract information from your page
Do you want them to ?
Slide 7 : 7/35 : HTML Edition (creation.en.html)
HTML Creation : WYSIaWYG or WYSIWYme vs Text andTags
What You See Is almost What You Get or What You See Is What may expect
Never use Frontpage ! Nor HTML export from Word ...
Dreamweaver, GoLive ... SandVox
Offer lots of useful features
Help you avoid tagging errors
Can save time
Can interfere with HTML mastery
Can be intimidating for beginners
Use HTML Tidy to check your HTML written with a text
Lets do a simple page
Slide 8 : 8/35 : Let's take a text editor (apage2.en.html)
Let's take a text editor
And save the text with the proper suffix : .html
Other suffixes
Type |
Suffix |
Images |
.jpeg, .gif, png |
Video |
.mov, .mpeg |
Sound |
.mp3, .wav, .aiff |
Text |
.txt |
HTML generated by a script |
.pl .cgi .php, .asp |
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) types
When receiving a document from a server, the browser doesn't initially look
at the suffix : it receives from the server a header that informs it about the
document : its type, size, age
About .htm
Slide 9 : 9/35 : Introduction (apage1.en.html)
Let's take a text editor
Slide 10 : 10/35 : The minimal structure (apage3.en.html)
The minimal structure
Slide 11 : 11/35 : The minimal structure - with some content (apage4.en.html)
The minimal structure - with some content
<TITLE>This will appear in the window title</TITLE>
This will appear in the page area of the browser
Slide 12 : 12/35 : The minimal structure - two parts (apage5.en.html)
The minimal structure - two parts
<TITLE>This will appear in the window title</TITLE>
This will appear in the page area of the browser
Slide 13 : 13/35 : The correct structure (apage6.en.html)
The correct structure
HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<TITLE>in the window title</TITLE>
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<BODY>in the page area
Slide 14 : 14/35 : HTML document construction (markup.en.html)
HTML document construction
HTML documents contain HTML elements
HTML elements are marked up by HTML tags
Elements normally have opening and closing HTML tags
HTML tags are text bounded by < and >
Opening HTML tags are < tag > , closing are < /tag >
E.g. : < title > The Page Title < / title >
HTML Tags are not case - sensitive
Lower-case tags are required by XHTML
HTML Tags may contain attributes
Slide 15 : 15/35 : Tag Attribute (attributes.en.html)
Tag Attribute
HTML Tag Attribute values surrounded by " characters
Most HTML tags support their own set of tag attributes
Each attribute contains an attribute name and an attribute value
E.g. : <a href="index.html">
Tags may have more than one attribute
Widths, Heights given as number of pixels, or % of window
E.g. : width="25%" OR width="400"
Page size is not known
Slide 16 : 16/35 : Tag Attribute : Colours (attributesColour.en.html)
Tag Attribute : Colours
HTML colours described in hex RGB (Red Green Blue) components
#RRGGBB .... 256x256x256 = 16 Millions colours
#ffff00 : yellow
table of "web safe" colours (216 = 6x6x6 colour cube : 00 33 66 99 CC FF)
Colour Blindness
When using colour, remember that 5 to 10% of men have some form of colour
blindness. This can cause difficulties distinguishing between red and green,
or between yellow and blue.
To know more about that
subject :
Slide 17 : 17/35 : Table of "web safe" colours by Lynda (colours.en.html)
Table of "web safe" colours by Lynda (Weinman)

To know more about that subject :
Slide 18 : 18/35 : Heading Elements (header.en.html)
Let's start with the content : within <body> and </body>
Heading Elements : Structure of the page
Headings come in six sizes
<h1> </h1> is the largest heading
<h6> </h6> is the smallest heading
Headings break up text with titles and subtitles
H1 for titles at the top of a Web page
H2 for subtitles or chapter titles
H3 for section heads
H4 for section heads
H5 for "fine print"
H6 for "very fine print"
Slide 19 : 19/35 : Breaking Up Text (breaking.en.html)
Breaking Up Text
The paragraph element <p> begins a block of text after an empty line
<p> ... asdasd ... </p> defines a block of text and could
be attributed a style
<p class="allRed">
or be the target of a link
<p id="targetName">
The break element <br> begins a block of text on a new line
The horizontal rule element <hr> inserts a horizontal line to emphasize
a break in the text
Slide 20 : 20/35 : Standard Type Face Options (font.en.html)
Standard Type Face Options
<font face=“Arial”> </font>
It is best to specify type faces in groups since different computers use different
type fonts:
face="Arial, Geneva, Helvetica, sans-serif"
face="Times New Roman, Times,
serif " (Times New Roman is the default for most browser)
face="Courier New, Courier, mono"
Other useful font attributes include color="#CC0000"
and size="+6"
!! Deprecated : You should not use the font attribute once
we get to the CSS content in this course
Slide 21 : 21/35 : Three Types of Lists (list.en.html)
Three Types of Lists
Ordered list |
<li> </li>
</ol> |
- You don't have
- to enter
- the numuber
Unordered list
<li> </li>
</ul> |
- You
- may
- use
- different levels
- of imbrication
Definition list |
<dt> </dt>
<dd> </dd>
</dl> |
- This is the term
- and its definition
- Another term
- and another definition that could be really longue and complex
and asdlkjasdl kjassdlkjasdlkj assdlkjsdlkk
N.B. About closing tags
Slide 22 : 22/35 : White Space Management (spaces.en.html)
White Space Management
Browsers are programmed to ignore extraneous blank spaces and empty lines
Controlling white space on a Web page requires special HTML elements:
<br> and <p>
More than one line ? (This is just a trick : you should use CSS instead !)
<p><p><p><p><p><p> = <p></p><p></p><p></p>=
<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><Ppnbsp;</p>
or <br><br><br><br><br><br>
Slide 23 : 23/35 : Character Entities (character.en.html)
Character Entities
> |
> |
< |
< |
& |
& |
" |
" |
° |
° |
€ |
€ |
© |
© |
® |
® |
Slide 24 : 24/35 : Different Types of Hyperlinks : here comes the URLs (linkType.en.html)
Different Types of Hyperlinks : here comes the URLs
Absolute URLs point to Web pages on other Web servers
Relative URLs point to Web pages on the same Web server
Named Anchors point to a different location on the current (or not) Web page
Slide 25 : 25/35 : Two Parts and Two Extremities (linkTwoParts.en.html)
All Hyperlinks Have Two Parts and Two Extremities
Anchor Tags <a>
The Link Label is the visible element that the user points to and clicks (link
labels can be text segments or images)
All hyperlinks are created with the anchor tag:
<a>this is a link label</a>
The Link Destination is the location that the link takes you to when you click
on the link
The href attribute is used to specify the link destination:
<a href=“destination.html”>
<a href="urlOfTheDestination">Links Label</a>
=> Links Label
The same anchor tag is used for both specifying the start of a link and sometime
its end, when we want to arrive in a specific place in the text
<a name="targetID">Where we will arrive</A>
Slide 26 : 26/35 : 3, 4 - Parts and Two Extremities (linkTwoParts2.en.html)
All Hyperlinks Have 3, 4 ? Parts and Two Extremities
Slide 27 : 27/35 : Absolute URLs (linkAbsoluteURL.en.html)
Absolute URLs
All absolute URLs use complete URL addresses for their link destinations:
<a href=“”>eScience
Any Web page can be referenced by an absolute URL as long as you have its
correct address
You may not yet know the correct address
What if a set of pages (a web site) moves from one host to another ?
Slide 28 : 28/35 : Relative URLs (linkRelativeURL.en.html)
Relative URLs
A relative URL need only to specify a file name or a relative path for its
link destination:
<a href=“treehouse.html”>tree houses</a>
This assumes the destination file is in the same directory as the HTML file
containing the link
If the file is in a different directory, path information must be added
to the href value
'../' means 'Go up a level' ("open the box in which you are")
'directoryName/' means go down into that subdirectory
Start with '/' means start at the root (entry point) of the web site
For instance, to go back to the home of the web site,
even if you don't know where the page you are working on will be place on the
global web site
Directory hierachy |
What you want |
Relative URL |
Go from file2 to file3 |
/B/B1/file3.html |
Go from file3 (or file2) to file1 |
/../A/file1.html |
Slide 29 : 29/35 : Relative URLs : examples (linkRelativeURL2.en.html)
Relative URLs : examples
Directory hierarchy |
What you want |
Relative URL |
Directory A
Directory B
Directory B1
Directory B2
Go from file2 to file3 |
/B/B1/file3.html |
Go from file3 (or file2) to file1 |
/../A/file1.html |
Slide 30 : 30/35 : Named Anchors (linkNamedAnchor.en.html)
Named Anchors
A named link destination specifies a location that has been marked by an anchor
tag with a name attribute
<a href=“#lumber”>Some Good Lumber</a>
<a name=“lumber”>some good lumber</a>
The href value is prefaced with the # character but the name value is not
Named Anchors Combined with Other Links
A named anchor can be added to an absolute or relative link as long as the
destination being referenced contains that named anchor
<a href=“treehouse.html#lumber”>Some Good Lumber</a>
Just add a # followed by the anchor’s name to the end of the file name
in the href value
Slide 31 : 31/35 : What happens when one clicks on a link ? (whatHappens.en.html)
What happens when one clic on a link ?
<a target="windowname"
href="http://machine2/loc2/f2.html#name"> Link Label </a>
Q1 Where is the source file (URL : http://machine1/location1/file1.html or
file///location/file1.html) ?
Q2 Window in which it is displayed
"windowname" target attribute => should I open a new window ?
NB. : just don't use pop up windows
Q3 : which protocol (given, or if not => the same as the source file)
Q4 : which machine (given, or if not => the same as the source file)
Q5 : which location (absolute or relative to the source file)
( A0 : Send a DNS request to convert the server machine name into an IP number
A1 : Connect to the server machine (where the file si available), HTTP, port
A2 : Request the file by sendinding location + file name (second half of the
(A2 bis : send some other information too, like Referer, one's IP number,
cookies etc)
A3 : Receive Type MIME + file content
A4 : Parse the HTML :
Look for files included : OBJECT tag (java, video etc) , IMG, tag, javascript
file, attached style sheet files
Look for anchor target if specified in th URL (#name)
A5 : Run some javascript
Display the HTML file taking into account the included objects.
Start some included object animation
Slide 32 : 32/35 : Link Maintenance (linkMaintenance.en.html)
Link Maintenance
An absolute link that works today may not work tomorrow
Dead links frustrate visitors and detract from your Web pages.
"Error 404 not Found"
To keep all of your links operational, you have to test them periodically
and update any that have died.
Please personalize the deafult 404 page with a map of the site or a search
tool or a preconfigured search tool.
Automated Link Checkers
If you have a large number of links, you should automate the process of link
You can subscribe to a Web-based service for link testing and weekly or monthly
link reports.
You can obtain your own link testing software and run it yourself.
Slide 33 : 33/35 : The Web Page Development Cycle (development.en.html)
The Web Page Development Cycle
Edit an HTML file starting with the default template
Save your HTML file
Load the file into your Web browser
Review the file with your Web browser
Revise your HTML file with a text editor
Repeat this cycle as often as needed
Slide 34 : 34/35 : HTML Validation Services (validation.en.html)
HTML Validation Services
A validation service on the Web can check an HTML file for you
A validation service can be used to identify tagging errors and HTML extensions
Some HTML tagging errors are difficult to locate by manual inspection
If you don’t use an HTML editor, a validation service can be very helpful
Slide 35 : 35/35 : Prepare your transition from HTML to XHTML (xhtml.en.html)
Prepare your transition from HTML to XHTML ...
All XML elements must have a closing tag
An element value.
With XML, it is illegal to omit the closing tag
Empty Closed Element
<anemptyelement />
XML tags are case sensitive XHTML : all tags, attributes should be in lowercase
All XML elements must be properly nested
Attribute values must always be quoted
With XML, white space is preserved
With XML, CR / LF is converted to LF
With XML, a new line is always stored as LF.