
  • Set of text document

  • Links (or Hyperlinks)

  • Similar to Book Index

  • Ted Nelson | Hypertext <1963>

  • Non sequential organisation ?

  • The ability to click on a word in a piece of text and have the focus immediately shifted to another page dealing with that word (Vanevaar Bush 40s)


A hypertext document is one that includes links (connections) to other documents. In concept this is similar to including footnotes in a printed document. However, in a hypertext document you can switch to the connected item by clicking on a "hot spot," usually indicated by a different color from the surrounding text. In the World Wide Web links can lead to other documents on the same data server, or might take you to other servers.

A collection of documents (or nodes) containing cross-references or links which, with the aid of an interactive browser program, let the reader move easily from one document to another.