eScience Lectures Notes : .

Slide 1 : ToC : .

Table of Contents (9 slides) for the presentation :


Slide 2 : 2 / 9 : About Presentations : During

About Presentations

Why: what is the purpose of that sort of Assessment ?

Slide 3 : 3 / 9 : About Presentations : How

About Presentations


Know Why,  What,  When, How long, Where, With What

Why : see previous slide

What : see the research paper

When : see IVR lecture home page

How long : 20-25 mn + 5 min discussion

Where : Room N101

With What ?

on line         -       as a tar file      -     Or You may want to use ManyPage


Slide 4 : 4 / 9 : About Presentations : Before

About Presentations

Before : a support, a training, a timing.

Slide 5 : 5 / 9 : About Presentations : During

About Presentations


Slide 6 : 6 / 9 : About Presentations : Content

About Presentations


This is about dealing with a research paper : be a good reviewer : be critical

You have to explain :

Slide 7 : 7 / 9 : About Presentations : NOT to do

About Presentations

What NOT to do ?

Slide 8 : 8 / 9 : NVE : Research paper presentation

NVE : Research paper presentation : Assignment 2

Students will make an in-class presentation based on readings and independent research on a research paper.

The presentation will consist of two parts, a lecture and an HTML website, which will count equally in the grading. 

To illustrate the paper, you will have to point to one or two other research papers : they could either explain the context of the studied paper or illustrate some other position to the same issue.

During the presentation and in the lecture note, you have to explain the context of the paper, extract the main idea and then explain the difficult part of it. After your presentation, anybody should be able to read the paper straitforward and to fully understand it


You should create lecture notes (Powerpoint or HTML recommended) for this purpose.  You are welcome to show video, bring props, sing, or whatever seems most appropriate for the material.  An important part of your presentation is interaction with the students, so try to engage them and leave time for questions.  Your grade will be based upon demonstrated knowledge of the subject, as well as interactivity and efficacy of presentation.

Next weeks will see your presentation of a research paper. The main rules remain the same than the previous presentation
Timing, 20 mn + 5 mn (questions time).
Think about looking at your public, speaking loud.
What differs a little is the type of subject.
Here, you may imagine that you are one of the author of the paper, and you have to present it in a research conference. You have to explain :
- The context of your paper (what was done before you came, why something had to be done (what for), the critics against the other solutions, what you have done yourself before...)
Here, it could be interesting to provide references to other documents (other articles, books, web sites) that help you to understand the paper you have read.
- The content of you paper (what you have done, what are the interesting new elements, new developments, new ideas that make your work so "special")
- The after : what new directions could be followed, what things could be done, using what you have just presented.
NB. They are sometime research paper that are more about "state of the art" around a given subject. This sort of paper should be presented more like the previous presentation.

cd .. (go to the directory in which your 03IVRA1_UstudentID  is located)
tar cvf 03IVRA1_UstudentID.tar 03IVRA1_UstudentID/

gzip 03IVRA1_UstudentID.tar

Mail the file (03IVRA1_UstudentID.tar.gz) as an attached document. Be sure that the title of your mail is '03IVRA1_UstudentID''

Slide 9 : 9 / 9 : About Presentations : Others

About Presentations

Other good advices