- Web Design Resources I Use
- AgencyTool Web Design Dashboard
- Le Web 2.0 donne le contrôle aux utilisateurs : poisson d’avril ! [nota-bene.org]
- orkut - home
- Snipshot: Edit pictures online
- TonicPoint
- AJAX + SVG ...
Bientot, nous n'aurons plus besoin de powerpoint ...
- LinkedIn
- Neteco
- Ajax Mistakes
- SitePoint : New Articles, Fresh Thinking for Web Developers and Designers
- web development
- Quick Online Tips
- Some interesting for web20 users
- Welcome to ajaxSketch - an ajaxLaunch family application
- basic drawing tool with limited functionality but done through a browser (firefox). Saves to SVG format
- Ajax (programming) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Wikipedia page on AJAX
- MyHeritage - Family and Genealogy
- Face reconition, matching celebrity database
- DCS Lab Enrollement : Streams
- Lab enrolment and management
- roxomatic - Furl, Spurl or del.icio.us?
- Generally, social bookmarks are understood as bookmarks that allow a public administration. Furl, Spurl and del.icio.us are three well-known services, actually free of cost for the member. What are they able to do?
- WebPatterns
- WebPatterns is a place to discuss, document and collaborate on patterns for web design and development.
- Quick Online Tips: Absolutely Del.icio.us - Complete Tool Collection
- XML.com: Introducing Cocoon 2.0
- Half Bakery
- communal database of original, fictitious inventions, edited by its users.
- smugMaps: combining the power of Google Maps with 36,000,000+ smugmug photos
- Like flickr, but the maps integrated from the begining
- Wayfaring
- Create and Share maps, waypoints, paths ...
- microformats | About microformats
- Designed for humans first and machines second, microformats are a set of simple, open data formats built upon existing and widely adopted standards
- plazes.beta
- Plazes is a grassroot approach to location-aware interaction, using the local network you are connected to as location reference.
- LinkedIn: Home
- Social Networking or "Why you should get that job because you know X who knows Y ..."
- del.icio.us direc.tor: Delivering A High-Performance AJAX Web Service Broker :: Johnvey
- A browsing tool to your delicious tags/bookmarks. Pity it is not Safari compatible // Outils d'exploration de vos tags/bookmarks delicious
- Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
- Web Hypertext Application Technology : HTML5
- PR 2.0: Introducing The Conversation Prism
- mediatedcultures.net @ kansas state university
- A great introduction to the web
- Microsoft Silverlight: Light Up the Web
- Teapotters Spread your 3D - Teapotters.com
- Parte de modeles 3d et previsualisation avec le client 3dlife de virtools
- Petites annonces rencontre, espace de rencontre entre célibataires : Pointscommuns.com
- Dailymotion - Share Your Videos
- Pin in the map - mark a spot; attach text; send to others.
- Quick way to create a URL to a location
- GMiF - Google Maps in Flickr
- See your geotagged photo in GoogleMap
- Webmonkey: The Web Developer's Resource
- Ajax (programming) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, or Ajax, is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications
- www.ajaxwrite.com
- Online text processor like Word & WordPerfect
- Riya - Photo Search
- Flickr + Face Recognition
- COMP2410 Lectures
- Another course on the same subject than com1710
- COMP1710 : Tools for New Media and the Web
- ANU COMP1710 Course Home Page. Lecturer in charge : Pascal Vuylsteker
- YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
- Video clips to watch.
- dog or higher
- Sydney Web format expert working at Westciv
- Quick Online Tips: post.icio.us - New Tools for Quicker Posts in del.icio.us
- Ajax Sucks Most of the Time (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox December 2005)
- Flock
- Flock is a free, open source web browser
- smugmug - Gorgeous online albums. The easy way.
- liveplasma music, movies, search engine and discovery engine
- Plaxo
- BlogMarks.net : Last public marks
- Another delicious, perhaps better ?
- GeoURL (2.0)
- Add some Meta tags to your web pages and ask for them to be referenced // Rajoutez quelques met tags à vos pages web, et demandez leur référencement
- Continuous Computing Blog: Social Machines