eScience Lectures Notes : .
Slide 1 : 1 / 40 : Managing Dynamic Shared State
Managing Dynamic Shared State
Slide 2 : 2 / 40 : Managing Dynamic Shared State
Managing Dynamic Shared State
Consistency-Throughput Tradeoff
3 different approaches
Centralized/Shared Repository
Frequent State Regeneration (Blind Broadcast)
Dead Reckoning
Slide 3 : 3 / 40 : NVE
What are Networked Virtual Environment all about ?
Many participants scattered on different machines
All changing their own parameters (location, etc.)
All trying to see each other in real-time
Provide users with the illusion that they are all seeing the same things
and interact with each other within that virtual space
Answer : Shared State
Slide 4 : 4 / 40 : Shared State
Shared State
The dynamic information that multiple hosts must maintain about the net-VE
Accurate dynamic shared state is fundamental to creating realistic virtual
environments. It is what makes a VE “multi-user”.
Without Dynamic shared state, each user works independently
and loses the illusion of being located in the same place and time as other
Management is one of the most difficult challenges
facing the net-VE designer. The trade off is between resources and realism.
How to make sure that the participating hosts keep a consistent view of the
dynamic shared state
Information of what and who is currently participating in the VE
Location and behaviour of Participant (object)
Shared environmental information- weather, terrain, etc.
Slide 5 : 5 / 40 : Problem : Latency
Problem : Latency
By the time the information arrives at
the other player's machines, it is already obsolete.
Delay components in net-VE
Transmission time for the original message
Waiting for acknowledgement
Possible retransmission
Slide 6 : 6 / 40 : Consistency-Throughput Tradeoff
Consistency-Throughput Tradeoff
“It is impossible to allow dynamic shared state
to change frequently and guarantee that all hosts simultaneously access
identical versions of that state.”
We can have either a dynamic world or a consistent world,
but not both.
"The more precisely the POSITION is determined,
the less precisely the MOMENTUM is known"
Werner Heisenberg : "Uncertainty Principle"
Slide 7 : 7 / 40 : High Consistency versus Highly Dynamic
High Consistency versus Highly Dynamic
Player A moves and generates a location update.
To ensure consistency, player A must await acknowledgments.
If network lag is 100 ms, acknowledgment comes no earlier than 200 ms.
Therefore, player A can only update his state 5 times per second.
Far from the 30 Frame per second
For a highly dynamic shared state, hosts must transmit more frequent data
To guarantee consistent views of the shared state, hosts must employ reliable
data delivery.
NB. : Each host must either know the identity of
all other participating hosts in the net-VE or a central server must be used
as a clearing house for updates and acknowledgments.
Available network bandwidth must be split between these two constraints.
Slide 8 : 8 / 40 : Tradeoff Spectrum
Tradeoff Spectrum
System characteristic |
Absolute consistency |
High update rate |
View consistency |
Identical at all hosts |
Determined by data received at each host |
Dynamic data support |
Low:limited by consistency protocol |
High:limited only by available bandwidth |
Network infrastructure requirements |
Low latency, high reliability, limited variability |
Heterogeneous network possible |
Number of participants supported |
Low |
Potentially high |
Slide 9 : 9 / 40 : 3 Technics
3 Technics

More Consistent More
Slide 10 : 10 / 40 : Centralized Shared Repositories
Centralized Shared Repositories
All hosts display identical views of the VE by making sure that all hosts
see the same values for the shared state value at all times
Maintain shared state data in a centralized location.
Protect shared states via a lock manager to ensure ordered writes.
Three Techniques
Shared File Directory
Repository in Server Memory
Distributed Repository(Virtual Repository)
Slide 11 : 11 / 40 : Shared File Directory
Shared File Directory : Hugh's Lab
File system : pull
A directory containing files that hold shared state
Absolute Consistency ! : Only one host can write data to the same file at
a time.
Locate the file containing information and read/write the file data (file:user,
object information)
Read and the reopen in write only mode
Maintain "lock" information for each file, and only one writer may
hold that lock at a time
Ex. : NFS, AFS
Simplest to program
Highest consistency
Slow data update and access
Does not support many users
Constant need to open, update, close remote
Slide 12 : 12 / 40 : Repository in Server Memory
Repository in Server Memory
Instead of storing all of the VE's shared state in files, write a server process
that simulates the behavior of a distributed file system
Each host maintains a TCP/IP connection to the server process and uses that
connection to perform read and write operation on the shared state
Faster than Shared File because each host does not have to open and close
each file remotely.
Don’t have to have locks. Server arbitrates.
The server keep the current shared state in memory
The client no longer has to perform open and close operation on each file
or unit of shared state
The server may support batched operation (multiple read and write in one
If the server crashes, the current VE state will be lost
Maintaining a persistent TCP/IP connection to each client may strain server
Support small to medium-sized net VEsn
Slide 13 : 13 / 40 : Central server : Pull
Central server : Client Pull Information
Clients pull information whenever they need it
Each client must make a request to the central state repository whenever it
needs to access data.
Faster data update and access
The network VR project (NEC research lab.)
Use per-client FIFO queues to support "eventual consistency" state
update delivery (incremental updates : position before speed)
Slide 14 : 14 / 40 : Central server : Server Push the information
Central server : Server Push the information
Each client maintain a local cache of the current
net-VE state
The server "push" information to the clients over a reliable, ordered
TCP/IP stream whenever the data is updated
Clients must request and obtain a lock before updating central state data
NB. Round Robin Passing Scheme : to ensure that all clients get an equal opportunity
to make shared state update
Immediate data access
Slower data update.
Shastra system (Purdue Univ.)
Slide 15 : 15 / 40 : Central server : Server Push the information
Virtual Repositories
Eliminate the centralized repository by placing it on a distributed consistency
protocol by ensuring reliable message delivery, effective message dissemination,
and global message ordering
Eliminate the performance bottleneck introduced by accessing the single-host
central repository
Eliminate the bandwidth bottleneck at the central repository
Permit better fault tolerance |
Slide 16 : 16 / 40 : Advantage and Drawback of Shared Repositories
Advantage and Drawback of Shared Repositories
Provide an easy programming model
Guarantee information absolute consistency
Does not impose any notion of data "ownership"
(Any host is able to update any piece of shared state by simply writing
to the repository)
Data access and update operations require an unpredictable amount of time
to complete
Require considerable communication overhead due to reliable data delivery.
Vulnerable to single point failure
Slide 17 : 17 / 40 : Advantage and Drawback of Shared Repositories
Conclusion for Shared Repositories
Most popular approach for maintaining shared state
Support a limited number of simultaneous users - on the order of 50 or 100
Each client's performance is closely linked to the performance of the other
Approach is great for small-scale systems over LANs or engineering systems
requiring highest levels of state consistency
Let's keep exploring the Local Cache idea, because, eventually...
Problem of the centralized repository
Too high overhead in communications and processor
Many applications don't require the "absolute consistency"
Example : Flight Simulator
In case of that error is limited and temporary
Slide 18 : 18 / 40 : Advantage and Drawback of Shared Repositories
Frequent State Regeneration / Blind Broadcasts
Owner of each state transmits the current value asynchronously and unreliably
at regular intervals.
Each host send its updated state frequently
No acknowledge packets are transmitted.
Clients cache the most recent update for each piece of the shared state.
Each host has its own cache to render the scene.
Hopefully, frequent state update compensate for lost packets.
No assumptions made on what information the other hosts have.
Asynchronous, unreliable blind broadcast is used
Usually the entire entity state is sent.
No acknowledgements
No assurances of delivery
No ordering of updates.
Slide 19 : 19 / 40 : Explicit Object Ownership
Explicit Object Ownership
With blind broadcasts, multiple hosts must not attempt to update an object
at the same time.
Each host takes explicit ownership of one piece of the shared state (usually
the user’s avatar).
To update an unowned piece of the shared state, either proxy updates or ownership
transfer is employed.
Unless it owns the state, a host cannot update the state value
Slide 20 : 20 / 40 : Lock Manager
Lock Manager

Slide 21 : 21 / 40 : Update by Non-owner: Proxy Update
Update by Non-owner: Proxy Update
Use "private message" to entity owner
Decision by owner and broadcasting
Good when Many host desire to update the state
Slide 22 : 22 / 40 : Update by Non-owner : Ownership Transfer
Update by Non-owner : Ownership Transfer
Issue lock transfer request to lock manager
Extra messaging overhead, compared with "proxy update"
Good when Single host is going to make a series of updates
... Or the request of transfert could be done directly to the Lock Manager
Slide 23 : 23 / 40 : Reducing Broadcast Scope
Reducing Broadcast Scope
Each host sends updates to all participants in the net-VE.
Reception of extraneous updates consumes bandwidth and CPU cycles.
Need to filter updates, perhaps at a central server (e.g. RING system) which
forwards updates only to those who can “see” each other.
VEOS - epidemic approach- each host send info to specific neighbors.
Slide 24 : 24 / 40 : Advantages of Blind Broadcasts
Advantages of Blind Broadcasts
Simple to implement; requires no servers, consistency protocols or a lock
manager (except for filter or shared items)
Can support a larger number of users at a higher frame rate and faster response
Systems using FSR
Real-time interaction among a small number of users
Extension of the single-user game
Dogfight, Doom, Diablo, etc.
Intra-vascular tele-surgery
Surgical catheter and an camera position
Video conferencing
Facial feature points of wire-frame model
Slide 25 : 25 / 40 : Disadvantages of Blind Broadcasts
Disadvantages of Blind Broadcasts
Requires large amount of bandwidth.
Network latency impedes timely reception of updates and leads to incorrect
decisions by remote hosts.
Network jitter impedes steady reception of updates leading to ‘jerky’
visual behavior.
Assumes everyone broadcasting as the same rate which may be noticeable to
users if it is not the case (this may be very noticeable between local users
and distant destinations).
Slide 26 : 26 / 40 : Disadvantages of Blind Broadcasts
Dead Reckoning
State prediction techniques
Transmit state updates less frequently by using past updates to estimate (approximate)
the true shared state.
Sacrificing accuracy of the shared state, but reducing message traffic.
Each host estimates entity locations based on past data.
No need for central server.

Slide 27 : 27 / 40 : Disadvantages of Blind Broadcasts
Dead Reckoning Issues
How the object’s current state is computed based on previously
received packets.
How the object’s estimated state is corrected when another update
is received.
Slide 28 : 28 / 40 : Disadvantages of Blind Broadcasts
Prediction Techniques
Derivative Polynomial Approximation
Zero-order (position : simplest )
x(t + Dt) = x(t)
Frequent State Regeneration !
First-order (position+velocity)
x(t + Dt) = x(t) + Vx(t) * Dt
Second-order (position+velocity+acceleration)
x(t + Dt) = x(t) + Vx(t) * Dt
+ 1/2 * Ax(t) * (Dt)2
Most popular in NetVE
DIS Protocol
Higher Order Approximations
Slide 29 : 29 / 40 : Hybrid polynomial prediction
Hybrid polynomial prediction
Choose between a first-order and a second-order prediction dynamically.
Need not be absolute
Instead of using a fixed prediction scheme, dynamically choose between first
or second order based on object’s history.
Use first order when acceleration is negligible or acceleration information
is unreliable (changes frequently).
Slide 30 : 30 / 40 : PHBDR (Position History-Based Dead Reckoning)
PHBDR (Position History-Based Dead Reckoning)
Hybrid approach
Update packets only contain the object’s most recent position
Remote hosts estimate the instantaneous velocity and acceleration by averaging
the position samples.
Reducing bandwidth
Improving prediction accuracy
(as “snapshot” velocities and accelerations can be misleading.)
Slide 31 : 31 / 40 : Limitations of Derivative Polynomials
Limitations of Derivative Polynomials
Why not use more terms?
greater bandwidth required
greater computational complexity
less accurate prediction since higher order terms are harder to estimate and
errors have disparate impact
In many cases, More terms make things worse.
Example of second order polynomial equation : over time,
the equation is more sensitive to the acceleration term than to the velocity
Moreover, it is harder to get accurate instantaneous
information about higher order derivatives (a user typicallt only controls an
object's velocity and acceleration
The Jerk is all about human behavior
Do not take into account capabilities or limitations of objects.
Slide 32 : 32 / 40 : Object-Specialized Prediction
Object-Specialized Prediction
Object behaviour may simplify prediction scheme (more information and constraint).
Choose different order for different type of object (ball, car, human ...
Motion prediction does not require orientation information to be transmitted.
A plane’s orientation angle is determined solely by its forward velocity
and acceleration.
Military flight manoeuvres simulation, The
Phugoid model (Katz, Graham)
Land based objects need only two dimensions specified. (NPSNET)
Update packets only specify two dimensions to handle ground-based
The remote host adjust the object’s height and orientation to ensure that
object always travels smoothly along the ground
Drumstick position prediction(MIT)
Derivative polynomial approximation + ‘emergency’
Emergency message makes the computer disregard its current prediction whenever
a sudden change in the drum stick behaviour was detected
High-level state notification (acting)
Desired level of detail - often do not need to be precise with some aspects.
Do we have to accurately model the flicker of the flames of a burning vehicle
or is it enough to say it is on fire.
The same with smoke. Some VEs need to accurately model smoke, other do not.
Sometimes, remote host don’t need to model the precise
behaviour of the entity.
Dancing, firing, etc.
Remote hosts simply need to receive notification of the high-level state change.
These hosts are free to locally simulate the precise behaviour represented by
that state.
Slide 33 : 33 / 40 : The Phugoid model
Source of that document :
The Phugoid model is a system of two nonlinear differential equations in a
frame of reference relative to the plane. Let v(t) be the speed
the plane is moving forward at time t, and
(t) be the angle the nose makes with the horizontal. As
is common, we will suppress the functional notation and just write v
when we mean v(t), but it is important to remember that v
are functions of time.
If we apply Newton's second law of motion (force =
mass × acceleration) and examine the major forces acting on the
plane, we see easily the force acting in the forward direction of the
plane is
= -
mg sin

- drag.
This matches with our intuition: When
is negative, the nose is pointing down and the plane will accelerate
due to gravity. When
> 0, the plane must fight against gravity.
In the normal direction, we have centripetal force, which is often expressed
as mv2/r, where r is the instantaneous radius
of curvature. After noticing that that
= v/r, this can be expressed as
, giving
= -
mg cos

+ lift.
Experiments show that both drag and lift are proportional to v2,
and we can choose our units to absorb most of the constants. Thus, the
equations simplify to the system
which is what we will use henceforth. Note that we must always have
v > 0.
It is also common to use the notation
. We will use these notations interchangeably.
Translated from LaTeX by Scott Sutherland
Slide 34 : 34 / 40 : Convergence Algorithms
Convergence Algorithms
Tells us what to do to correct an inexact prediction:
Trade-off between computational complexity and perceived smoothness
of displayed entities
Zero-order(Snap) convergence
Jumping from currently displayed location to its new location.
Advantage: Simple
Disadvantage: Poorly models real world.
“Jumping” entities may distract users
Slide 35 : 35 / 40 : Linear convergence
Linear convergence
Using future convergence point along the new predicted path.
Advantage: Avoids jumping
Disadvantage: Does not prevent “sudden” or unrealistic changes
in speed or direction.
Slide 36 : 36 / 40 : Higher Level Convergence
Higher Level Convergence
Quadratic Curve fitting
To get more smooth convergence path
Issue : you still can not get C0 and C1 at both the two extrems
Cubic Spline
Advantage: Smoothest looking convergence
Disadvantage: Computationally expensive
Choice of convergence algorithm may vary within a VE depending on the
entity type and characteristics.
Slide 37 : 37 / 40 : Non-regular update packet transmission
Non-regular update packet transmission
The source host can model the prediction algorithm being used by the remote
The host only needs to transmit updates when there is a significant divergence
between the object’s actual position and the remote host’s predicted
Only transmit an update when an error threshold is reached or after a timeout
period (heartbeat).
Entities must have a “heartbeat” otherwise cannot distinguish
between live entities and ones that have left the system.
U.S. Army’s SIMNET, the DIS standard, NPSNET, PARADISE.
Slide 38 : 38 / 40 : Non-regular update packet transmission (2)
Non-regular update packet transmission (2)
Reduction of update rates.
Guarantee about the overall accuracy of the remote state information.
Adaptation of the consistency-throughput based on the changing consistency
demands of the net-VE
No update to be transmitted (the prediction algorithm is really good or
the entity is not moving)
New participants will never receive any initial state.
Recipients cannot tell the difference between the network failure, no
movement of entity, no change of object behavior.
To solve the problem, use the timeout on packet transmission ("heartbeat").
Slide 39 : 39 / 40 : Dead Reckoning Conclusion
Dead Reckoning Conclusion
Reduction of bandwidth
Updates are sent less frequently.
Potentially larger number of players.
Each host does independent calculations
No guarantee that all host share identical state about each entity –
hosts can tolerate and adapt the potential discrepancy
More complex to develop, maintain, and evaluate.
Dead reckoning algorithm must often be customized based on the the behavior
of the objects being modeled.
Collision detection difficult to implement.
Must have convergence to cover prediction errors.
Poor convergence methods lead to jerky movements and distract from immersion.
Slide 40 : 40 / 40 : Conclusion
Shared state maintenance is governed by the Consistency-Throughput Tradeoff.
Three broad types of maintenance:
Centralized/Shared repository
Frequent State Regeneration(Blind Broadcast)
Dead Reckoning
The correct choice relies on balancing many issues including bandwidth, latency,
data consistency, reproducibility, and computational complexity.