Internetworked Virtual Reality / Year 2002

Comp 6443 : part of the eScience Master (Course Code: < 6701>)

"I think, therefore I am", René Descartes (1596-1650).

"cogito ergo sum"

Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being thaught mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system.
Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding...

Neuromancer by William Gibson

Weekly each Friday commencing 26/7/02 and concluding 25/10/02 in N101 at lunch time (from 12 to 2)

Assignment due 18 th of October... and penalities begin 23 rd

Lecture When First Subject Second Subject Practice Print
1 26/07 Lecture presentation / organization

Virtual Reality

Readings :

Lab : Exercises CG : 1, 2, 3



2 2/08

From 1 to 2

CSIRO and Wedge Demo

Virtual Reality : a Case Study (no slide available)

Reading : No Reading, just practice your Java !

Lab : Exercises CG 4, 5, 6


3 9/08

From 2 to 3

VRML, MPEG4, Web3D...Different Level of networked 3D

Introduction to NetVE

Introduction to Networking

Reading : Chpt 1 and 2 of NVE (Singhal and Zyda)

Lab : Exercises CG 7, 8, 9, 10




4 16/08

Hugh Fisher's presentations on VR, Cyberspace, MUD and MOOs

Reading/Viewing List

Groupware and MUDs

Reading :

Lab : MOO 1 (19/08)

5 23/08 Human Factors and Online Identity

Reading :

Lab : MOO 2 (26/08)

6 30/08

From 5 to 6

Networking for NVE

Communication Architectures

Reading : Chapter 3 and 4 of "NVE" (Singhal and Zyda)

Lab : surprise...



7 6/09

From 6 to 7

Dynamic Shared States

The Metaphors, Schema, and Schema by substitution: How to move around into a VR Space, how to interact with the world (Tristan Reeves) Input devices : the state of the art (position tracking ...) (Cesar Martinez)

Reading :

Lab : Intro to Networking in Java

8 13/09

From 7 to 8

Output devices : the state of the art (smell, touch...) (Edwin Gibbons)

Collision Detection, Binary Space Partitions (Shaun Press) Virtual Worlds, Artificial Life, Autonomous agents and Avatars (Xinwen He)

Lab : Networking in Java, oriented NVE

Assignment beginning

9 20/09


Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting (Vanessa Newey)

Augmented/Mixed Reality (Latifur Rahman)

From 8 to 9

Dynamic Shared States

Reading : NVE Chpt 5

Chpt 6, 7, 8

10 11/10

Npsnet (Latifur Rahman)

CAVERN (Cesar Martinez) Scaling a shared virtual environment (Tristan Reeves) Lab : VRML  
11 18/10 Using Projection Aggregations to Support Scalability in Distributed Simulation (Vanessa Newey) Handling Heterogeneity in Networked Virtual Environments (Edwin Gibbons) NVE (Shaun Press) Lab : QuickTime  
12 25/10


Exploiting Reality with Multicast Groups (Xinwen He)

From previous to 12

The Human Sight

13 30/10, 31/10 Assignment presentation 10+5 mn / group    
  18/11/02 Theoretical Exam : 18/11/02 : 9h30 to 12h45

9h30 - 9h45 : Reading
9h45 - 12h45 : Exam

Venue : Aquarium (2nd Level)  

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