Today, Computer Graphics has become the predominant form of computer output. Even the text on most computer screens are "rendered" using computer graphics methods, as opposed to being mechanically transferred onto paper by an inked metal stamp.
Computer Graphics are everywhere. Here are 4 immediate examples :
If you can imagine it, it can be done with computer graphics.
Obviously, Hollywood has caught on to this. Each summer, we are amazed by state-of-the-art
special effects. More and more of these images exist only within the memory
of a computer. There seems to be no end in sight for this trend.
But we're not just talking about big budget mega-productions. There are music
videos, and spinning logos on the 6 o'clock news. Computer graphics is now as
much a part of the entertainment industry as stunt men and makeup.
There are some demanding film maker around the corner. This is an hidden explanation
This is not scientific visualisation.
Let's have a look at different examples
New additions this year :
Games are an important driving force in computer graphics. This is the second exercise. If you have time to play computer games between now and the end of the semester ask yourselves, how do they do that? Study the screen. How does the screen look when things are moving? What about when things are still. Why do they always go into those low resolution display modes that everyone else considers worthless. Let yourself get blown up. If anyone asks, tell them you're doing science.
How the game's industry impacts computer graphics
Quake : Yet Another Doom Like |
Riven, Yet Another Myst like..., the sequel |
Imagina, the forum of images beyond imagination, was an
event organised by INA (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel) and the
Monte-Carlo Television Festival, between 1982 and 2000
Imagina was devoted to the following fields :
Imagina reassemble professionals on four main activities :
convening international specialists, and dealing with the most remarkable innovations in new image technologies and their applications in the following fields : television, cinema, games, web, medical and architecture ;
Competition, enabling the public and a professional jury to reward every year the best international productions using these new creative tools
presenting innovative installations, applications and products which ambition is to discover new fields of experimentation and research incorporating virtual images
The European rendez-vous of professionals in computer-generated images, computer graphics artists, designers, artists, cinema professionals, software editors, hardware manufacturers, industrials, service providers, researchers, scientists, students...
In the space of 19 years, the "Prix Pixel-INA" awards have become a touchstone of the state of the art and of world-wide production in computer graphics and special effects.
ArtWorks with a strong artistic content and outstanding aesthetic originality. |
Schools & Universitiesworks by students |
Or another example : |
"DUST CITY"Realisation : Sébastien DROUIN - Christophe MUTIN - Olivier DUMONT
and below :
Cinema/television special effectscinematographic works or videograms incorporating visual or special effects
made with |
The Matrix |
THE BORROWERRealisation : Peter HEWITT |
Fiction (short films and feature films)works with a clear narrative structure |
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"STICKY BUSINESS"Realisation : Ed. TAYLOR 96 : Toy Story |
Credits and channel logoscredit and logo sequences made using computer graphics |
Hard./Soft. : Mac, SGI, Explore, Flame, Photoshop |
Games (intros and kinematics)only game intros and kinematics will be judged |
Some Outsiders
Plus, big classics Tomb Rider... |
Theme parksworks specially made for theme parks |
Really difficult to render through low quality web video... |
Advertisingcommercials made using computer graphics techniques |
Animation seriesa pilot or episode of a series. The quality of the screenplay will be taken into account |
Depending upon the year, a bit like the "Fiction" award | |
Science (simulation, visualisation, research)works concerned with simulation, data base exploration and the visualisation or scientific or architectural phenomena |
We will look deeper in that subject later on, here, let's see that scientific visualisation may be really beautiful, let's look at a bat. |
CHIROPTERES VIRTUELSBat's behaviour Hard./Soft. : PC, Lightwave 96 : The Visible Human Project Production : NCAR's Scientific Computing Division |
Music Videomusic-based clips incorporating computer graphics or special effects sequences |
and what about a bit of Pink... |
Réalisateur: Antoine BARDOU-JACQUET 96 : Titre : Rolling Stones " Like a Rolling Stone " Production : Midi Minuit Partizan |
Computer graphics has had a dramatic impact on the design process. Today, most mechanical and electronic designs are executed entirely on computer. Increasingly, architectural and product designs are also migrating to the computer. Automated tools are also available that verify tolerances and design constraints directly from CAD designs. CAD designs also play a key role in a wide range of processes from the design of tooling fixtures to manufacturing.
CAD has had the follow impact on computer graphics.
Magic - A VLSI Layout SystemVLSI : Very Large Scale Integration: designing electronic chips |
UGS : towards Virtual Manufacturing |
UGS : Factory Flow |
FAIRFIELD, CA AutoCad (AutoDesk) |
OF ARCHITECTURE NB. : About architect : been told that some of them did not like and use VR, because with that tool, their clients were able to see defaults in their plan. |
Computer graphics is an integral part of every day computing. Nowhere is this fact more evident than the modern computer interface design. Graphical elements such as windows, cursors, menus, and icons are so common place it is difficult to imagine computing without them. Once graphics programming was considered a speciality. Today, nearly all professional programmers must have an understanding of graphics in order to accept input and present output to users.
Name | Example | What is it? | Why use it? | When to use it? |
Pie Chart | ![]() |
A pie chart is a tool that helps you visualise the relative importance
of several categories of a variable. |
To provide a rapid, graphical overview of data you have collected, such
as information about different types of users, types of treatments, types of methods, etc. |
When you have collected some data (for example, a counting of events or
a distribution of values) and you want to graphically depict the data |
Bar Graph | ![]() |
A bar graph is used to graphically present data that you have gathered.
The type of data represented in a bar graph is the number of occurrences measured in different categories of data. A bar graph is often used to graphically represent the information you have gathered in a table. For example, in the bar graph below, you can see a comparison of the number of users of different services -- outpatient, inpatient, and other -- by type of service. |
It helps you visualise relationships among different categories of factors
affecting services to the users. |
It is used when the information corresponds to a nominal scale (a counting
of occurrences), and when you want to compare two or more groups (no more than six). |
Histogram | ![]() |
A histogram is a diagram that graphically depicts the variability in a
process or procedure within your agency. When you want to see how a procedure is working in your organisation, you can gather data about that procedure (such as the amount of time the procedure takes) and create a histogram. The histogram allows you to see the variation in the amount of time it takes to do that process. |
Discovering and displaying this variation will greatly increase the team's
knowledge about a process. |
When you want to see the pattern of variation of a particular process,
such as when you are describing a problem, or during data collection and analysis. |
Line Graph | ![]() |
A line graph is a type of graph that represents data or sets of data that
have been collected over a period of time. The data are plotted on a graph corresponding to standard intervals of time, and a line is drawn connecting the data points. If updated regularly, line graphs help managers to follow a trend over a period of time and take actions to manage the trend. |
A line graph allows managers or team members to see trends in data (increase, decrease, or no change) over a period of time. This can be useful to help you visualise changes in the process over time or to let you compare the performance before and after the implementation of a solution. |
To visualise a process during a specific period of time to help you describe
a problem, or when you want to evaluate a solution to a problem. |
There are few endeavours more noble than the preservation of life. Today, it can honestly be said that computer graphics plays an significant role in saving lives. The range of application spans from tools for teaching and diagnosis, all the way to treatment. Computer graphics is tool in medical applications rather than an a mere artifact. No cheating or tricks allowed.
How medical applications influence computer graphics technology
Visible Human Viewer |
Example of augmented reality : |
The Visible Human Project® is an outgrowth of the NLM's 1986 Long-Range Plan (US National Library of Medicine). It is the creation of complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the normal male and female human bodies. Acquisition of transverse CT, MR and cryosection images of representative male and female cadavers has been completed. The male was sectioned at one millimetre intervals, the female at one-third of a millimetre intervals. The long-term goal of the Visible Human Project® is to produce a system of knowledge structures that will transparently link visual knowledge forms to symbolic knowledge formats such as the names of body parts.
Computer graphics makes vast quantities of data accessible.
Numerical simulations frequently produce millions of data values. Similarly,
satellite-based sensors amass data at rates beyond our abilities to interpret
them by any other means than visually. Mathematicians use computer graphics
to explore abstract and high-dimensional functions and spaces.
Physicists can use computer graphics to transcend the limits of scale. With
it they can explore both microscopic and macroscopic worlds.
From satellite camera
From geological data, data with intrinsic spatial signification
From mathematics, chemistry
abstract data and hierarchical data
Triply connected graph embeddingsMinimal Surface graph embeddings resulting in interlocking disconnected
"The mummy is back"The Virtual MummyUnwrapping a Mummy by Mouse Click
As seen in "Jurassic Park"!3D File
System Navigator for IRIX 4.0.1+
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FSN download :
InXight WebSite :
TreeMap :
Homepage :
Homepage :
Information Cube-Homepage:
Graph Visualizer 3D-Homepage :
DIVE-Homepage :
EarthBrowser is an easy and intuitive program to let you get a hands on experience of our earth. Current weather conditions and forecasts, real-time earthquake notifications, current cloud cover and webcam images from around the globe make EarthBrowser more than just a 3-D model. The constantly changing information in EarthBrowser makes it a unique tool showing that the earth is truly alive.
Explore vast geometric worlds inhabited with beautiful shapes in constant motion. Your tranquility experience is customized by our TQworld net-servers creating thousands of visual and audio elements. No two games are the same, and all games are designed to fit your playing style. As it is in real life, achieving tranquility is a challenge. Youll need to use your mind, your heart and soul to navigate the game, but youll be rewarded with a calming sensation that lasts long after you play.
File system browser that utilizes three dimensions to view directory hierarchies. It supports a full range of file system actions, such as copying, labeling, creating new folders, and ejecting disks.3DOSX was developed using Cocoa and Carbon routines to gain access to the file system, and OpenGL for display. The cool part of 3DOSX is the new paradigm of computing interfaces that it represents. While there is admittedly a ways to go before 3DOSX becomes as quick and clean as the current Finder in terms of workflow efficiency, we feel that the user experience will in time lead to a better way of interacting with files. A lot of what 3DOSX is based upon could be called eye-candy, but one must explore the programs features to truly appreciate what it can do for the average user. 3DOSX is the first, the only 3D filesystem browser that doesnt suck.
Atom in a Box is an application that aids in visualizing the Hydrogenic atomic orbitals, a prime and otherwise unwieldy example of quantum mechanics. Unlike other tools in this category, this program raytraces through a three-dimensional cloud density that represents the wavefunctions probability density and presents its results in real-time (over 48 frames per second on the latest hardware).