eScience Lectures Notes : COMP1710
Slide 1 : 1/13 : Tools for New Media and the Web (index.en.html)
COMP1710 : Tools for New Media and the Web
You may deliver your submission in the DCS Assignment Box COMP1710
of the room N107 (ground floor) or to my office : N241 of the Building 108
This Week (12) : Last Lecture !
Come with your questions about and/or for the exam !
Final Exam : June 22 PM
Gary Frontin, Rehabilitation Case Manager - "Prevention
and Management of Occupational Overuse Syndrome"
Wednesday, 24 May, 2006 - 16:00:00 - 17:00:00 - CSIT Seminar Room, N...
6 unit course from the Department of Computer Science
2 hour lecture per week Tues 15:00 - 17:00 in CHEM
1 discussion/demo session in some weeks Monday 15:00 - 16:00 in PHYS
T (DNF Dunbar Physics Lecture Theatre)
Lecture / Week |
Lecture Subject |
Readings / Exercises |
Handouts |
1 / 1 |
Course organisation |
- Surf the Web
- Chapter 1 (p6-30) of "Unusually useful web book"
- No lab this week : register on Streams
2 / 1 |
The web and New Media, some context,
history |
disc / 1 |
No discussion this week |
3 / 2 |
Web = Hypermedia + Internet / HTML Internet
: history and principles |
html |
4 / 2 |
disc / 2 |
Feedback, questions, What about MacOSX and the first lab ? |
Join the mentoring scheme |
5 / 3 |
HTML (1) |
html |
6 / 3 |
html |
disc / 3 |
7 / 4 |
- Readings : Chapter 4 (pp 44 to 64) of "Unusually useful web
book" : Know Your Users.
- Lab 3 : CSS
html |
8 / 4 |
HTML Tables, Forms |
html |
disc / 4 |
Tom Worthington : Web Crisis Management |
Abstract:Web Disaster Management, Lecture
slides |
9 / 5 |
Forms / The
role of Digitisation / Compression / formats |
html |
10 / 5 |
Images on the Web |
html |
disc / 5 |
Canberra Day |
First look at the Assignment
: fill the
declaration form |
11 / 6 |
Images on the Web
Video |
html |
12 / 6 |
disc / 6 |
Discuss the assignment and first chapters of the text
book |
Assignment due on the 19th
of May 2006 - fill the group
form |
13 / 7 |
Monday session ; slow introduction to javascript with some examples.
Be there if you haven't done any programming |
Cf Readings
Some examples |
14 / 7 |
disc / 8 |
QuickTimeVR and similar,
panoramic images |
Main Lecture on Monday this week !!! |
15 / 8 |
Anzac Day : The Tuesday lecture will be spread on week 8 an
9 Monday sessions |
16 / 8 |
17 / 9 |
ManyPage |
html |
18 / 9 |
Architecture for a web site, Basic Navigation, notion of Template.
Links and meta tags in the HTML HEAD |
disc / 9 |
QuickTimeVR and similar,panoramic
images |
disc / 10 |
Monday session, the 8th of May : Special Assignment |
Come with your question |
19 / 10 |
Cookies : Back to Javascript |
The Web Wizard's guide to Javascript |
20 / 10 |
Galerie template
Various : Sound and Spam |
html |
21 / 11 |
"WEB SERVERS" by Eric McCreath
(pdf) |
Design and usability by Jacob
Nielsen |
pdf 4slides/page |
22 / 11 |
pdf |
23 / 11 |
and usability by Jacob Nielsen |
Top Ten
Web Design Mistakes of 2005
Top Ten Mistakes in
Web Design
Weblog Usability:
The Top Ten Design Mistakes
Ten Good Deeds in
Web Design
pdf |
24 / 12 |
Web 3D : VRML, X3D and Others / Some
clues about the final exam |
html |
25 / 13 |
No more lectures |
| |
The course starts on Tuesday the 21st of February 2006 in CHEM
T1 (Building 34)
Slide 2 : 2/13 : COMP1710 : Week 1 (week1.en.html)
Week 1 :
Surf the Web
Chapter 1 (p6-30) of "Unusally useful web book"
Next Monday Discussion : MacOSX and the first lab : Survival Kit
Planning Your Site
Enrolment into the labs : use of streams
Access lab form to be filled
Andrew Coward (Visiting Fellow, DCS)
DATE: 2006-02-22
TIME: 16:00:00 - 17:00:00
LOCATION: CSIT Seminar Room, N101
It can be demonstrated on system theoretical grounds that any system which learns
to perform many behavioural features with limited information handling resources
is constrained within a set of bounds called the recommendation architecture
by the requirement to find a compromise between the need to conserve physical
information handling resources and the need to learn without severe interference
with earlier learning.
Overall architecture, the definition of modules and components, and even device
algorithms are all constrained, with the severity of the constraints increasing
as the ratio of features to resources increases. Algorithms widely used in artificial
neural networks cannot be used in some major subsystems of the recommendation
There are strong resemblances between the physical forms of a system within
the recommendation architecture bounds and the physiology of the human brain
including separations between and functions of the cortex, hippocampus, thalamus,
basal ganglia, cerebellum, hypothalamus and amygdala; the internal organization
of the cortex into layers, columns and areas; and the topology and synaptic
algorithms of neurons. Detailed psychological observations of a wide range of
cognitive phenomena, including semantic, episodic, working and procedural memory;
processes such as arithmetic; the deficits resulting from physical damage; and
sleep with dreaming can be modelled in a physiologically plausible manner by
a system within the recommendation architecture bounds.
Learning can be bootstrapped from experience with minimal and plausible a priori
information. Many phenomena labelled "conscious" can be modelled in
terms of physiology. Electronic systems within the recommendation architecture
bounds confirm the capabilities of the architecture and point the way to implementation
of systems with human like cognitive capabilities.
Andrew was employed by Nortel Networks as a system designer and architect in
the design of extremely complex real time control telecommunications systems
from 1969 to 1999, and participated in successful projects to design and introduce
commercially successful state of the art systems with up to 20 million lines
of code and custom integrated circuit based hardware.
While still employed as a system architect, he wrote a book on understanding
the brain as a system, introducing a novel cognitive architecture. He subsequently
obtained a US patent for system architectures which can learn to manage a complex
telecommunications network based on the cognitive architecture. Since 1999 he
has been full time in academic research into cognitive systems, most recently
as a research fellow at the Australian National University.
His new book, "A Systems Architecture Approach to the Brain: from Neurons
to Consciousness", was published December 12th 2005 and will be introduced
at this seminar.
Slide 3 : 3/13 : COMP1710 : Week 2 (week2.en.html)
COMP1710 .... New Tools for New Media and Web
Week 2 :
To do outside the lectures |
About Lab 1 and next labs
( HTML : not done that week )
About Last Week
COMP2410/COMP6340 Networked Information Systems 2006 (Instead of COMP3340)
COMP1710 instead of comp1100 in some special circumstances
Lab : a new time slot available :
Practical on Friday at 11:00 - 13:00 in Karmel 1 (2.28)
About the mail usage ...
You will not receive mail from me every week
I do not answer to all my mail individually. I may either use group mail or
answer during the following lecture.

Slide 4 : 4/13 : COMP1710 : Week 3 (week3.en.html)
COMP1710 .... New Tools for New Media and Web
Week 3 :
To do outside the lectures |
Some questions/comments :
Next week Monday session : Tom Worthington : Web Crisis Management
Just follow the week links on the home page.
Where is the course home page ? Try "COMP1710 ANU" on Google
Labs : Every week for 9 weeks starting in week 2
Why did I ask some of you if they submit their assignment to both their
tutor and I ?
Check what you will send, and then what you did send ... What if you make
mistakes when you publish on the web ?
" People who can't spell shouldn't complain that mozilla displays
their texts wrong "
Simon Montagu
Mail is not SMS
"could i send u B4 5pm. plz .i do ..."
Should spell : "Could I please send it to you before 5pm. I do ...
If your English is worse than mine, then it is not good enough.
Where can I find more about the subject ?
Lab 1 : Simple ? Yes, very, just a warm up, but ...
Bad mail subject (not complete, mixed uppercase / lowercase) .... will
end up with bad links !
You will receive an automatic acknowledgement of receipt.
==> No need to send it 2 or 3 times :-)
Suffix for HTML files : .html
Use simple characters in the name of file (alphanumeric or '-' or '_'
: never '@' or ':' or '/' or ...)
For those who prefer not to attend, make sure to send a submission both
to me and the associated tutor. Check Streams (forced enrolment), and the
following : Tutor address/group :
Thursday at 11:00 - 13:00 in Karmel1
Thursday at 14:00 - 16:00 in Karmel1
Thursday at 09:00 - 11:00 in Karmel1
Friday at 09:00 - 11:00 in BA
Friday at 11:00 - 13:00 in Karmel1
Pascal Vuylsteker : Wednesday at 12:00 - 14:00 in Karmel2
RTF is not plain text. Usual suspect : default behaviour of TextEdit
Week 2 = Lab 1, Week 3 = Lab 2 ...
Put the folder to archive on your desktop first. But remember to backup
any material you drop on the Desktop
Try to unzip what you CCed to yourself.
What if you included some word or exe document in your zip folder ?
Next lab ... HTML
Slide 5 : 5/13 : COMP1710 : Week 4 (week4.en.html)
COMP1710 Tools for New Media and the Web
Week 4 :
To do outside the lectures |
Readings : Chapter 4 (pp 44 to 64) of "Unusally useful web
book" : Know Your Users.
- Next week : Lab 4 : Tables and Forms
About Last week lab
Come to the labs prepared ! When you arrive in the lab, you are expected
to have attended the previous lecture
to have read the lecture slides and material
to have read and thought about the lab description (updated on the web,
the latest on Wednesday morning)
And ask questions during the lecture if you think you will not even know how
to start the lab.
During the lab ...
Do not ask your tutor to fix your issue : ask him to help you to learn how
to fix your issue by yourself.
Create a directory which name is LAB1_Uxxxxxxx
Zip that directory and its content
Send an email to both and to your tutor
The "Subject" of the email start with "COMP1710_LABn_Uxxxxxxx"
Do not include the "
COMP1710_LAB2 ! But not COMP1170 nor COMP1017, nor LABn
Don't send your submission to Tom Gedeon nor James Sheridan...
If you can't make it within the two hours
Start before, arrive earlier if the lab is free
Prepare your lab in advance
Make sure you touch a bit of every marked questions (not the optional
ones), and finish after the lab
Take your chance into a Friday session (IF there are free slots, like
in the Friday 9-11 one. Priority should be given to the registred students)
Do not wait till Sunday to finish it. Plan to finish your work before
Saturday. Sunday is for relaxation or emergencies.
About the labwork itself...
anchor name : no space, alphanumeric characters
You get
a list
with numbers
by using <OL><LI> xsdfsd </LI><LI>sdfsdf</LI></OL>
From home to text 1 : valid, but ... <li><a href="../LAB2_uXXXXXXX/story1/text1.html">page
Name Surname : <<a href=""></a>>
sould be <<a href=""></a>>
I know when you have been using dreamweaver ...
<a href="file://localhost/Volumes/USERS/page2">page2</a>
Will work only on your machine
Back to <a href="index.html">Home
Where does that come from
Monochrome Display : green, orange, and sometime
white on black background ... |
The defaut configuration on first web browsers
was black text on light grey background |
One of my lecturers (in Maths !) use to explain
to its students that after years of marking exams, he realised that statically,
paper written in black on yellow background would get better scores ... |
most readable color combination is black text on white background
overall, there is a stronger preference for any combination containing
What I learnt from last year lab ...
A Victorian
What a stralian crocodile hunter say when he nearly gets
his arm bitten off
An Austrlian word for friend
was your weekend break satisfactory?
A tank top - usually made of blue cotton
salt, from the rhyming slang of Harold Holt (a previous prime minister
of Australia)
Bugger Off
Expression of Desire to be rid of a nearby person
A Shout
What stralians call buying the round of drinks at a table. EG: "This
rounds my shout".
Also; What a stralian does to a mate thats done something good. EG: "I'll
shout that one mate".
The story of the Drop bear
Drop bears are known to hang around in trees in the Northern Territory.
They wait around in trees for small animals, such as wombats, to pass under
their tree. Then they drop down from the tree onto the face of the animal,
ripping it off.
What a 'stralian says when he realises he should be panicking
Similar to a slightly oversized, dangerous koala bear. Often seen by people
who believe it is possible to pat sharks.
What women say when they want you to leave them alone but feel guilty
And lots of other Drop bear stories...
I guess I know them now...
As useless (?) web site
Slide 6 : 6/13 : COMP1710 : Week 5 (week5.en.html)
COMP1710 Tools for New Media and the Web
Week 5 :
To do outside the lectures |
Question from last week
What is the difference between HTML and CSS ?
Last year comments on last week's lab :
Meaningful title in your web page
different title for the pages with and without CSS
Meaninful name for your class
Not connected to the look of the design you use for your version of the document
.red vs .important or worse : ".style14"
At least, use comments in your style sheet
Structure the content first ... and then use the structure
<dt class="orange">G'day</dt> vs dt { }
<i> and <b> are like <font> : they should disapear from
your code !
difference between <div> and <span>
Be carreful to your suffix when and save your document
changes.css.txt vs changes.css
<Table align = "center" width = "50%" border = "2"
></Table> Vs <hr align="center" width="50%"
size="2"> Vs CSS ...
Slide 7 : 7/13 : COMP1710 : Week (week6.en.html)
COMP1710 Tools for New Media and the Web
"List 5 ANU building by their number (108 for instance), in decreasing
preference order."
To do outside the lectures |
Next Week : Javascript
Next Monday : slow introduction to javascript with some examples
Readings : Chapter 8 (pp 155 to 169) of "Unusally useful web
book" : Understanding Design Technologies.
Be critical of what you read : some part are outdated, especially
about frames !
General advice
Use online bookmark managers
"Two of Canberra's leading interactive players have announced a competition
sure to intrigue the region's amateur and professional game programmers and
artists. Seeing Machines and the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE)
are hosting a competition to develop ideas into working examples of how new
'eye toy' type technology can be used to enhance interaction in games."
More at <>.
Tom Worthington, Director of Communications Technologies (The Australian Computer
Society )
DATE: 2006-03-29
TIME: 16:00:00 - 17:00:00
LOCATION: CSIT Seminar Room, N101
Podcasting is the distribution of media files using web based syndication to
handheld devices. Tom Worthington will outline how it works, discuss some of
the public policy issues it raises and ask for input to the ACS's policy on
digital broadcasting. To the IT professional, Podcasting is a simple application
XML technology to digitized audio (the ANU already supplies students with the
digital audio of lectures). However, while technically simple, podcasting raises
public policy issues: is it broadcasting? how and should it be regulated? how
and who makes money from it?
Tom Worthington is an independent information technology consultant and Visiting
Fellow in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Information
Technology at the Australian National University. He is Director of Communications
Technologies for the Australian Computer Society, and was elected a Fellow of
the Society in 1999 for his contribution to the development of public Internet
Labs : From This week new way to submit your work :
Mail without attachment
Upload on a web site
About previous lab
Submissions should be self contained
(I found lots of broken links pointing towards a page in a previous lab ...)
<a href="../LAB2_U3011436/demo.html">Go to non-CSS version</a>
No more "font" tags ...
<dt><font class="fontbrown">G'Day</font></dt>
Should be
<dt class="definition">G'Day</dt>
Some confusion between class type selector and tag type selector
Header1 {
font-family: Arial, san-serif;
font-size: 1.5em;
text-align: center
body {
background-color: #99FF33
<Header1>This is the demo Page</Header1>
No need for " &
... nbsp; " thanks to CSS ...
<a href="/Volumes/u4444444/COMP 1710/Lab/LAB2_U4444444/index.html">Home
Slide 8 : 8/13 : COMP1710 : Week 7 (week7.en.html)
COMP1710 Tools for New Media and the Web
Week 7 :
To do outside the lectures |
Monday session ; slow introduction to javascript with some
After the break : Anzac Day so Tuesday will be on Monday !
The Tuesday lecture will be spread on week 8 an 9 Monday sessions |
Text book : "The Web wizard's guide to Javascript"
Python for Teaching and Creating 3D Graphics
Hugh Fisher (Computer science, ANU)
DATE: 2006-04-05
TIME: 16:00:00 - 17:00:00
LOCATION: CSIT Seminar Room, N101
A rapidly prototyped talk about using Python for rapid development of 3D models
and animation. The current state of py3d, a Python package that has been slowly
developing over the past few years into a useful tool for 3D modelling and animation.
Some opinions on Python vs Java for teaching and distributing software.
About Lab 5
labs are worth %25 of your marks
You do not send 6 Mb of work by mail !!!
Slide 9 : 9/13 : COMP1710 : Week (week8.en.html)
COMP1710 Tools for New Media and the Web
Week 8 :
To do outside the lectures |
About the assignment
"How and where do I get the informations from ?"
This is what building a website is really about most of the time : collecting
information !
Lab 5 and 6
Digression on size of images and objects
200 kbps, 3-5 s ... 75 - 125 kB for the file + all the images
An inline image should never reach the size of 1 MB
Any link that point to something more than 1 MB should see the size announced
Ex download the report (pdf 1.5MB) ... Get the full size image (jpeg 2.3 MB)
Interlaced imaged ... longer time are tolerable
The size is not the only thing ... the number of inline images is important
DCS system
on the DCS system (partch, iwaki, liskov) ...Most students will have a quota
of 100MB, with a "hard" limit of 128MB and
7 days "grace".
partch issue had been fixed, but remember that you may use iwaki instead,
for ftp to liskov
Slide 10 : 10/13 : COMP1710 : Week 10 (week9.en.html)
COMP1710 Tools for New Media and the Web
Week 9 :
Lectures |
To do outside the lectures |
Next Monday session, the 8th of May : Special Assignment : Come with your
Where to find images : on The Oracle, and ...
Lab 6 and 7 submission
Lab 7 :
First experience with programming = ( or == ?) first experience with debugging
lesson 0 : start with writing clean HTML
lesson 1 : don't just cut and paste existing scripts : understand them
lesson 2 : don't postpone the debugging to the end : test every "noticeable"
modification that you enter into your page
lesson 3 : divide and conquer
copy and paste or comment out
window.alert("I went there");
normally, you don't need debugger for that size of program but if you want
some help ...
-Use a syntax colouring text editor
- Both Firefox And Mozilla propose a good Javascript debugger
You'll find them in the COMP1710 directory on pebble
Final Exam : Thursday, 4 November 2004, 14:15 / 14:30 / 17:30
Permitted materials: One A4 page with handwritten notes on both sides
Slide 11 : 11/13 : COMP1710 : Week 10 (week10.en.html)
COMP1710 Tools for New Media and the Web
Week 10 :
To do outside the lectures |
Cookies + Galerie Template
Chapter 7 of The Web Wizard's guide to Javascript
Last Lab : Lab 9 : Sound + Galerie's
This Week : Last Monday session and Last lab
Final Exam : June 22 PM
You may deliver your submission in the DCS Assignment Box COMP1710 of the
room N107 (ground floor) or to my office : N241 of the Building 108
Web Standards Group : WSG
May meeting (Canberra)
Date: Thursday 11 May, 2006
Topic: Sahana disaster management system
Who: Tom Worthington
Topic: Web patterns
Who: John Allsopp
When: Thursday 11 May
Time: 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm (please arrive by 2.45 to register with security, even
earlier if you need to find a car park)
Where: Bunker Theatre, Department of the Environment and Heritage, John Gorton
Building, King Edward Tce, Parkes, ACT 2600
RSVP: (very important to speed up the sign in process)
Danny Butt - "Internet Governance: The Clash of Cultures"
Wednesday, 17 May, 2006 - 16:00:00 - 17:00:00 - CSIT Seminar
Room, N101
Monday session : Question about the assignment
Task 2.6 states that video cameras are not the only source of video.
What does this mean?
You can produce a video in iPhoto by moving or zooming in a image.
Task 2.8 states to describe the organisatin/structure of the web site.
Does this mean a hierarchical tree diagram?
Yes, but with the right balance : you don't need everything
Task 2.9 states a navigational menu for all pages is needed in thesite. Does
this refer to frames or organised links within the website?
I would prefer not to see frame, which bring bad Karma according to web usability
The notion of the navigational menu are exposed here :
See Chapter 6 of the text book for more details
The idea is that all the pages should offer a similar set of tools (navigational
and not)
W e have access to a video camera but do not have access to a firewire cable
to transfer the video to the computer. Would it be possible to borrow one? and
how would we go about doing this?
The package you can borrow from Pam contains the firewire cable. So use your
video camera for more freedom, and borrow the package from Pam when you need
to transfer your video.
If you were not there when I did the demonstration of the video, come on Monday
and I'll do it ag
I want the header graphic of each page to be centre aligned. I've
called this up in a <div> but it doesn't align as intended.
Here's a sample of the code in the HTML:
<div class="pageheader" align="center">
<img src="images/home.jpg">
And in the CSS:
width: 800px;
position: relative;
top: 20px;
Slide 12 : 12/13 : COMP1710 : Week 11 (week11.en.html)
COMP1710 Tools for New Media and the Web
Week 11 :
To do outside the lectures |
About ....
Javascript :
This is a great tool for the Web (Cf AJAX technology used in Googlemaps),
but in the context of COMP1710, it is just a first, light immersion in the world
of programming.
I want you to have a look at it, get an idea of what programming could bring
to the web, and get you excited enough to enrol in COMP1710 to learn more on
programming in general.
Show that you are able to use some sort of javascript in your code (and understand
its purpose, 'readind' some code), and you will have reach the minimal target
for COMP1710.
You may then of course keep exploring the subject for yourself.
Danny Butt - "Internet Governance: The Clash of Cultures"
Wednesday, 17 May, 2006 - 16:00:00 - 17:00:00 - CSIT Seminar
Room, N101
The Internet is for everyone! Various (The Internet Society of Australia)
DATE: 2006-05-22
TIME: 17:30:00 - 19:00:00
LOCATION: CSIT Seminar Room, N101
The Internet Society of Australia is holding a free public discussion meeting
on Monday 22 May 2006 in Canberra for anyone interested in the Internet, personally
or professionally - please pass this invitation on.
After a brief presentation on IPv6 and Internet activities, we will discuss
current Internet issues, needs and directions. The aim is to foster public knowledge
and input into Internet development and Internet Society policy.
This meeting is supported by the Commonwealth Department of Communications,
Information Technology and the Arts - see reports of earlier meetings at
The final Exam ...
What does it look like ?
About one question per hour of lecture.
Could you put an example (such as the past one) of the final exam on web ?
No, guessing the question is part of the learning experience.
One thing your should remember after that first semester at the university
University is not about learning answers, it is about being proposed to ask
the right question and learn how to find your own, right, answer.
Learning :
The day after
The week after
The month after
Exam preparation :
Read the notes
Ask yourself question about the notes
Find the answer in the notes or the text book, or the links
For next week : bring back some questions for the exam !
Network Downtime, Saturday 20 May : from 6.30 am to
6 pm
Students should note in particular that commons file spaces, which would
include files of any assignments they may be currently working on, as
well as major applications such as WebCT, will not be available during
the outage. Consequently
Subject: [Staff.all] Network Downtime, Saturday 20 May
Date: 16 May 2006 11:06:58
You may have read the notice about the network downtime scheduled for
next Saturday (20th May) on staff and student home pages. The purpose
of this notice is to let you know the reasons for needing such a lengthy
downtime (from 6.30 am to 6 pm) and the measures taken to ameliorate its
The University has implemented a fully redundant network and server
system to ensure that all enterprise level applications are at world's
best levels of reliability. An important component of the system is an
uninterruptible power sub-system. An extraordinary failure of this
sub-system has led to an emergency response aimed at restoring all
services. The response involves installing a new sub-system, a step
which in turn involves disconnecting our networks and servers for about
12 hours on the 20th.
To assist those who might otherwise have used the commons environment
during the outage, the Chifley Library will be open for extended hours,
as follows, on both Saturday evening and Sunday morning:
*Saturday: 1 pm to 10 pm (note network services will come
onstream progressively from 6 pm)
*Sunday: 10 am to 10 pm
Other Libraries will keep normal weekend opening hours.
Students should note in particular that commons file spaces, which would
include files of any assignments they may be currently working on, as
well as major applications such as WebCT, will not be available during
the outage. Consequently, should students wish to work on these files
at home, in their rooms or in other environments during the outage,
copies of those files should be made well before the outage commences on
Saturday morning at 6.30 am.John McGee
Head, Networks and Communications
Division of Information
Leonard Huxley Building (No. 56)
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200
Tel. 61 2 6125 4216
Slide 13 : 13/13 : COMP1710 : Week 12 (week12.en.html)
COMP1710 .... New Tools for New Media and Web
Week 12:
To do outside the lectures |
Chapter of "Design For New Media"
Last week :
various :